It's Not Easy

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The journey of 9 months
The start looks heaven
When you are informed
You're gonna be a mom
All pamper you
And you get that extra love from the one who gave you this ticket to motherhood

Until the agonies start to kick in
Some are lucky to feel nothing
While a few go through a living hell
Morning sickness let's nothing stay in
You puke and you puke even if there's no food in
Emotions play an evil role
Eviler is the role of woman with venom in her heart-if around you.
Her envy turns to jealously and sometimes worse
She does everything to make your life worst
A woman herself she had to be kind
But devil and human mind combined leave no Stone unturned to give you troubles of new kind

Failing to do most of the things you did with ease
Pregnancy gives you pains that are unique to your case
Sometimes thoughts go so wrong
You wish you hadn't been given this gift
But looking at the barren wombs you can't help but say Alhamdulillah to As-Shakur
Coz this was a blessing that made the Prophets weep
And it's the most precious blessing every being wishes to receive

Mind you here, your trials will renew everytime a new phase you enter
Weakness becomes your second nature..taunts make you weaker by the day.
The love of people around you fades..
The one who you count on will slowly drift away..
The cravings so uncontrollable
When unfulfilled leave a memory to remember always..

For I've seen the most kind of hearts turn blind these days
They can hurt you in unimagined ways
The only unchanging love I received was from  the ones that cried with me when I weeped
The ones whose child I was once
Now though grown up I'm loved the same way still
If to have a child is a blessing you say
To have your parents alive is bigger I say
Cherish them while your with them And even when you move away
Trust me this is one relation that's heaviest in the scale

Somuch for emotional upheaval folks.
Your body goes through alot more still
Your complexion fades
There are acnes on your face
You loose your figure
much part of your youth
Your beauty and everything you kept so afresh..
Your hair your skin every bit of your being undergoes a drastic change..
Your bones weaken
Your appetite is lost
Your sleep deprived sometimes it's completely lost..
It feels as though unlike your previous life your body isn't yours either
You are no more you nor are the things you used to do..
It's lonesome and worse when you feel the one whose child you bare is the one sometimes who least cares..

It's important very important like for living is air
That you strengthen your bound with your Creator ,the great
For most of the times you will find He's the only one who cares.. for the All Knowing  knows what your going through
For He simply didn't say that you're carrying 'through hardship over hardship'
And this pangs were felt even by the purest lady to walk the earth
And the fact that Ar-Rahim did not reprimand her words but comforted her and was ever near her, listening her woes
Soothes the heart of a new mum to be whose on a similar journey but comparatively filled with so much ease
O Soul in pain thank Him and thank Again
For He did not abandon, forsake or punish your for your sins..

And that tiny being kicking and hiccuping within
Is a way to elevate your grade
With each pang of pain InshaAllah your sins are erased
And if brought up well it can be a source of good to go on even when you are long gone.
InshaAllah ul azeez:)

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