Chapter 6- All You Sinners

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~Mona Lisa~

My heels click on the concrete as I walk towards the party, letting the lights and the music guide my way. I can feel both my weapons attached to my leg, but I'm going to have to pretend that they aren't there. Good thing I'm fucking amazing at pretending, and it's a good thing these boots are both fashionable and functional. They are tall enough to hide the weapons and tight enough to not fall down, and they make my legs look pretty damn good. Some people think I'm self-centered, but I believe there's a difference between being self-centered and just damn well knowing you look good. I'm on the latter side. I smile when I get to the doors, and since no one is there to make sure I have an invitation, I stick it in the pocket I decided to add to the dress last minute. I walk inside, the bass immediately filling my chest and bright lights filling my eyes.

"Let the games begin," I whisper to myself with a smirk, and I enter the throng of people. I look around for the target, and not surprisingly, I can't find him right away. Looks like I'll have to go with plan B: let myself have fun at this party and hope I either spot him along the way or the more likely option of drawing him to me. Very quickly I can hear the whispers, but the whispers are good. People are whispering about me, and I can hear the whispers of "who's that?" and I see heads turning where I walk, my looks enough to distract them from the fact that I'm from the land of the living. Guys are gazing over at me, momentarily forgetting about their girls, and the girls are watching me with envy and the fear that I'll take their men. They shouldn't worry. I'm only here for one guy. I reach in my pocket for the fake ID I was given, and I look around for a bar, spotting it quickly. Might as well get a little alcohol in my system so I can really have fun.

"What can I get ya, miss?" the bartender asks, and I think for a moment, before smiling.

"Hmm, what's good here, besides yourself?" I ask.

"Well, I can make anything you want, but the question is, what could I possibly make that would be deserving of the honor of touching your lips?"

"You flatter me. I think I'll take...a peach and lime daiquiri," I decide, and the bartender shakes his head.

"You'd be surprised how many of those I've already had to make tonight, and yours won't be the last. Most people who order them don't even like daiquiris, they just order that drink because... well, you know," he says, and I nod.

"Luckily for you, I'm not one of those people. Daiquiris are one of my favorites." While I do like daiquiris, they are nowhere near my liking of things made with vodka. The bartender pours my drink quickly, and I don't down it like I want to, but I sip it and observe the crowd, seeing if I can spot my target, but still no luck. Either the crowd is doing a really good job of hiding him, he's not here, or my ability to spot a target is starting to slip. I can feel the music calling me to dance, and I just can't help wonder how many Panic! songs are going to be played tonight and when. I finish my drink, tell the bartender I might be back, but just in case I'm not, I leave a tip for the man. It might not be necessary, but I'm sure he's overworked.

With the little bit of alcohol buzzing through my system, I walk out onto the dance floor, and at first, people look at me oddly, wondering if the pretty mystery lady can dance. I don't know what the song is, but I don't care. I feel the bass traveling up my body, the music flowing through my veins, and I let go of all inhibitions. I just let my body start moving on its own. People take notice quickly, and start to dance around me, the guys especially focused on me. I can't blame them, I know I can move. And like I said before, I'm not self-centered, I'm just confident in myself. Don't hate on me for knowing what I'm good at. Slowly, but surely, a path opens up, and I'm thrust into the middle of the floor, everyone wanting to see my moves. Just as I get to the middle of the floor, the song ends, but when the new one starts up, I almost start to laugh. I wondered how long it would be until I heard a Panic! song. Turns out, I didn't have to wait very long. Everyone starts to cheer at the DJ's song choice, and I start to laugh as everyone starts counting with the song. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. We pause a moment. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. As the bass drops, everyone starts jumping around and dancing, and when the lyrics start, I sing along.

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