Coming Out

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So I got this amazing idea for this story but it's a it confusing. So here's what it is. It's basically a universe were gay is the norm and being straight is "abnormal" I got this after watching the video "what I'd gay was straight and straight was gay" (made me bawl) so I hope you enjoy the story :)


(Mitch's P.O.V)

"Hey guys!"

I look up as does Scott, Marina walks in. She's our daughter we adopted 14 years ago when she was 1. She is just the perfect little angel.

"Hey cupcake!" I say "how was school?"


she walks into her room seeming a bit nervous about something. I look over at Scott who gives me the same worried look

"Should we wait until later?" He asks

"Okay...later, yeah"

around 4:30 she comes back out, seeming a bit more collected. She sits at the bar and breathes in deeply

"Can I uh.. Talk to you guys?"

Scott glances at me, then back, to her

"Sure sweety, what is it?" She breathe in

"Um... I don't quite know how to do this.. Properly... But I'm, a hetero guys."

I hear Scott's spatula clank against the floor with his hand still in place of where it was

"You're a...." Scott stutters

"Yeah, I am" she says quietly

Scott walks into our room and she looks down, I walk around and sit next to her, rubbing her back lightly.

"Hey, look at me" she looks up, tears streaming down her fave, I rub them away "We will never hate you for who you are, I don't care if your a hetero or not, you are you"

She gives me a weak smile and hugs me close.

"Thanks dad." She says into my chest.

"No problem, I'll talk to daddy okay?"

She nods and walks into her bedroom closing the door, obviously putting in her headphones. Thank god. I open the door to Scott and I's room. He's pacing around the room with his hand to his head, he doesn't seem to notice I came in, I shut the door.


"A hetero. A hetero! My daughter is a freaking hetero! Mitch! How did...just...UGH."

He flops down on the bed, I lay next to him.

"We can't change who our daughter is Scott, she likes boys, and that's that." He looks over at me

"You sure?"

"Positive" he sighs and looks up

"I'm such an idiot"

"Scott Grassi-Hoying you are not an idiot!" He looks over at me "you are the wonderful man I married and yes, you over-reacted, but you can fix it" I nod towards her room.

"I'll be back." He springs up and goes out of the room.

(Scott's P.O.V)

I walk slowly towards Marina's room. Once there I tap lightly on the door.

"Hey cupcake, can I come in?"


I walk in, she sits in her fluffy chair reading some book, I don't know. I sit on the very edge of her bed looking down. I take the courage and say it.

"I'm sorry princess, for over-reacting" I look up at her "I was stupid and I don't care if you like boys or not you are you and I want you to be that way"

I look at her deep brown eyes. She smiles and rushes over to hug me. I hold her close and squeeze her tightly. Holding her close

"Love you princess"

"Love you too Dad"

we get up and walk out, Mitch smiling once he sees we are all made up. He holds Wyatt in his hand, I kiss his cheek lightly and hold Marina close as does Mitch. Then Mitch speaks up

"So Marina, now that we know...what kinda guys do you have in mind?" Mitch giggles softly, Marina throws her head back

"UGH, DAD!" She laughs and giggles. We all start laughing and talking about it. Like it wasn't random, like it was normal.

That was 10 years ago, and today is the day Mitch and I hand off our baby girl to her new husband. Crying as we see her say her vows, laugh and cry some more as we see her move out, realizing our little girl was gone. But now she was starting her own life, as a black sheep to the regular status quote. But she was a proud black sheep, I'll tell you that.

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