Thats Chrismas to Me.

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As I walk down the streets of New York I pull my thin hoody closer to me. 27 degrees today and snow. Thankfully I had found matches along with half a sandwich someone had left behind. I turn left on 5th street down the regular ally way. I toss some wood into the old metal can and light a match, throwing it in there as well. I pick up my sandwich and great fully eat it. Good food for Christmas Eve. Can't beat that. I haven't had something the size of half a sandwich in...2 months I think.

I believe some introductions are in order. My name is Mitchell Adam Grassi. I'm 19 and I live on the streets. I try to find jobs were I can but singing is my only talent really. I screw everything else up. My parents died 10 years ago due to a killer. I was left to fend for myself.

I get back up and start walking across the street. 5th street church. Every Christmas eve and day I come for church and food. I don't really believe in all this stuff but they love me. I always come an hour and a half early to see everyone. I push open the great doors to see a couple people there. Most of them I recognize

"Mitchell!! So great to see you!!!!!"

I smile and walk up toward the podium were Mr and Mrs. smith stand. Mrs.Smith coming to hug me while Mr.Smith stands with four others

"Oh Mitchell your getting thinner every year my dear boy!" She says holding my face and looking at me

"I'm alright Mrs.Smith honestly" I say laughing

"Oh honey please stay with us for Christmas we'd love to have the company!"

"Deary!" She turns around as Mr.Smith walks up giving me the hearty handshake and hug he always gives me

"Good to see ya Mitchell!"

"Nice to see you too sir, how are you?"

"Very fine. How bout you, still living on the streets Mitch?"

"Unfortunately yeah."

"Your welcome at our house any time alright son, just come over."

"Thank you sir."

"Here sit, we have early guests too"

I sit down next to a tall blonde man wearing a suit. I take off my jacket and set it in my lap. Looking at the bathroom. I should probably clean up. I set my coat down and walk towards the bathroom looking in the mirror. My hair was dirty and my face and my hands. I pee and come out and wash my arms and face until the dirt is virtually unnoticeable and gone. I put my hair under the sink and wash the dirt out. I take it and put it under the hair dryer until it is dry.

"Better" I say.

I adjust the black shirt and blue jeans to look presentable as I hum the song I came up with.

"The fire place is burning bright, shinning all on me" I hum quietly until I jump as the door opens and the blonde comes in.

"Hello" he says smiling

"Hi" I smile back

"Your Mitchell correct?"

"Indeed, and you are?"

"Scott Hoying." He says sticking out his hand

I shake his hand and smile at him.

"I like the song you were singing, it was very nice. Who made it"

"I did.." I say quietly

"It's beautiful" he says.

The ceremony went by quickly and Mr.Scott Hoying sat by me the entire time. He said he loved my voice as well. The ceremony was over and he was talking with another as I put my coat on and quickly sped out, eager to find somewhere to sleep that was possibly warm

"Mitchell!!" I hear from behind

I turn around just as Scott comes racing up towards me and through the door

"I was wondering..would you like the uh- come over and spend the night?"

"Oh Scott I wouldn't want to be much trouble.."

"Not at all! Here, come with me" he says sticking out his arm

I wrap my arm around his muscular one and follow him down the street. We come up to an apartment in the upper neighborhoods and walk inside. I set my shoes down and hang up my coat as it was quite toasty.

"You have a lovely home Scott" I say looking around

His apartment was white and had Christmas decor all around it. The Christmas tree covered with handmade decorations and lights and tinsel, it all looked so festive and cheery and jolly.

"Why Thank you."

I look around the shelf to see an old Christmas album I listened to as a kid. My most favorite of all time and I always danced too.

"Christmas of 67'!" I exclaim

Scott smiles and grabs it putting it on his record player, the first tracks music filling the room with sound. I laugh as Scott offers his hand to dance and I take it. His palm smooth and firm. We dance in his apartment to the Christmas music as his fireplace warms us both. At one point in the middle of the song he twirls me and dips me as well. The music stopping as do we. Our faces inches apart, his eyes glistening from the fire.

"Your truly beautiful in this light Mitchell."

Our faces inch together as his hand moves up my back until our lips meet together. His kiss was heavenly and full of joy. I place my hand on his neck as we stay there until we separate. Looking into each others eyes

"That's Christmas to Me." I say cupping his face


Hello all my beloved followers! As it is christmas even decided to treat y'all in a special Christmas themed one-shot! Currently it's Christmas Eve and i hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday season! Thanks for reading! Love you! Merry Christmas!!!

XOXO Ptx_foreverxoxo

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