Prisoner pt.1

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I know, another royalty story...I JUST LOVE WRITING THESE. there so much fun to write!!!!! idk why. Enjoy!



god I hate it here.


I was put in the prison at the castle. Trying to steal food for my sister Kirstie. Luckily I could still write to her to explain were I was. I sit in the cell I was placed in, this fricken holding cell. Guards come in and unlock my cell

"Mr.Grassi, your court appearance will be held now."


I'm lead out with the guards holding me close into a large court room, Kirstie stands there, she barely knows what happened. I sit in the defendant place and the market owner sits across the way. along with the Prince who was running the trial, King was sick I guess.

"Today we will discuss the thievery of Mitchell Adam Grassi who stole a bags worth of groceries from Mr.Perkeets market"

I'm called up to the stand while the market owners attorney is called up as well

"Mr.Grassi you attempted to steal groceries from the market, yes?"

"yes" I say quietly, the court stunned by my willingness

"Why?" the prince pipes up, the attorney asking it as well

"My sister" I nod towards Kirstie sitting on my side of the room, she smiles and nods. The prince and the attorney giving me curious looks. "She's way to young to go without food, I couldn't do this to her, It was my duty to feed and take care her once our parent died." The attorney looks at me stunned

"That does not me-"

"Mr.Flech, do you have a daughter or niece?" I say looking him straight in the eye


"if you were on the streets, no money, and she was starving, because YOU personally could not find a job, what would you do..."

"No further questions" he says walking back. I lean back in my seat.

I end up loosing my case I'm lead out by a guard, Kirstie looks at me, tears forming in her eyes. I try to struggle out of the guards grip but they hold me tightly.

"wait! let me talk to my sister!" they, look at the prince who nods, they release me. I walk over to her as more tears form in my eyes. She hugs me tightly. Tears making my old raggy shirt wet.

"Kirstie, I want you to go find Joshua, stay with him for the two months. Once I'm out I'll come there. Alright?" she nods in my chest

"Write too me okay?'' she says, sniffling

"always. Love you Kirst" I say, tears threatening to form in my eyes as well

I kiss her forehead and am lead out again into a new, kinda better cell. I lay on the bed thinking of Kirstie. Hopefully she got to Joshua's, my trusted friend. He owed me something, I knew it was meant for something. A tear rolls down my cheek, thinking about her. 2 months in this freaking place. I drift to sleep. On the lumpy, and rather uncomfortable mattress, when around 2 I hear a whisper

"hey!" I sit up

"who's there?" I whisper back, feeling threatened

I hear the door creak open and there stand the prince, clearly taller than me, blonde spiked hair, blue eyes, VERY muscular. He sits on the edge of my bed, I sit up making room for him

"what are you doing here?" I say. Kinda annoyed but curious

"I needed to come, and apologize, I do that to all the prisoners that deserve to be set free but aren't" I smile "especially to particularly beautiful ones like you" I smile looking down

"I'll except your offer for the apology but I don't need your flattery Prince Hoying" I say, messing with the hem of my tank top

"Its Scott, I hate 'Prince Hoying'" he says looking away

"Alright Scotty boy" I say smirking at him, I get up to get my drink.

"So you went in to all that trouble for your sister? Why didn't you guys go to an orphanage?" I choke on my water when he says the word 'orphanage' "You okay?" he says getting up, clearly concerned

"yeah, I'm fine. But no one, no one. Wants to go to the orphanage, I snuck out I say, leaning against the wall" he looks at my curiously 

"why not? they provide food and shelter" I laugh

"I get better service in jail than at that fucking dump" I say looking away " know, never mind" I start walking back towards the bed when he grabs my shoulder, touching right where the wounds was, pain shoots through my shoulder

"dammit!" I say muttering, falling onto the bed, tears forming at my eyes. My shoulder pains racing throughout my body. When I feel Scott's hand on mine

"I'm so sorry!" he says "did I like grab it too hard or-"

"no it wasn't you it was exactly what I was talking about..." he looks at me with wide eyes, as tears fall form my face

"want me to look at them? I was trained in first aid."

 I hesitate. Should I? yes, no?

''um..ssure" I say, He makes me turn around, as he takes my tank top off. I can here him suck in a breath as he sees my back completely. I look towards the wall.

"T...they did this to you?" I nod, feeling his hands trace my back lightly, so he wouldn't hurt the wounds. "You'd have to see the nurse, I'll tell her tomorrow." I nod slightly. turning around

"Its so strange to see good souls like you, being punished for doing good things." I smile at my shoes.

"I mean that." he says, I look up at him realizing how close we were, he starts to lean in as do I. Did I like him? oh my god, this was happening.


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