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Nico woke up to warmth wrapped around him. He shot his eyes open, and was met with a very firm chest and arms wrapped around him.


Then all of the memories started to flood back to him one by one. The café, the beach, music, dancing, oh gods...Nico recounted in his head, blushing slightly at the memories. He looked up to see Will's sleeping face.

Internally screeching, he tried to unravel himself from the sleeping blond. Delicately trying to pry Will's arms off, he attempted to slip away, only for the sleeping teen to tighten his grip around Nico's waist. The dark haired boy sighed shakily. Glancing fondly at the blond, he gave up his effort to escape and carefully burrowed his face into Will's chest.

An hour or so had passes before Nico woke up again. This time, when he did, the roles were reversed. Nico looked up from his spot in the tall boy's chest to see Will's extremely red face looking down at him.

"You okay there, Solace?" Nico asked, hiding his smirk.

"Yep, yeah, I'm—I'm fine, fine, really." Will laughed, stammering.

"What's with that Fetish Red-colored face?" He asked smugly. Will started sputtering nervously.

He was about to go back to his spot before he realized it was Sunday.

Nico cursed frantically, realizing Hazel didn't know where he was. He yanked free of Will's hold before racing to his phone. Mentally cursing himself when he saw the notifications. 5 Missed Calls and 7 Messages. Clicking on the notifications, Hazel's texts were displayed on his phone.

Hazel Levesque:

Nico, what's for dinner? Sent at 5:25 P.M.

Nico? Sent at 5:31 P.M.

Father says you left this morning. Sent at 6:05 P.M.

Where did you go? Sent at 6:23 P.M.

Father said not to call the police yet. Sent at 6:33 P.M.

Nico please answer. Sent at 6:49 P.M.

Nico's breath hitched at the seventh message.

Hades di Angelo:

I believe you have a curfew.

"Shit" Nico breathed, looking at his phone. He could practically feel the disappointment and worry from his family. He could also feel the concerned look from WIll that was burning his back. Gripping his phone, he started getting ready to leave.

"What are you doing?" Will questioned, concerned.

"Oh gods, Hazel's gonna kill me," Nico perked up at a thought, "Solace, break my leg."

The blond looked at him, "What the fuck?"

"I won't have to go home if I'm hospitalized." Nico said.

"I'm a doctor," Will stated, ignoring Nico's protest of 'No, you're not.' , "I'm pretty sure she can just visit you."

The Italian sucked in a breath, "Tch, you're right."

"I always a—" Nico interrupted him.

"Break my arm—"

"Stop with your morning logic, it's too early for this shit." Rubbing his temples, he went to the living room, Nico trailing close behind.

The Colors of Your Soul (Solangelo)Where stories live. Discover now