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     Awkwardness can only bother someone if they acknowledge it. Which is why Nico forces himself into denial that he and Will are doing just fine. Even if the truth is that they aren't. Sometimes Nico catches Will looking at him with an undoubtedly guilty look, sometimes even slipping into sadness. Nico wants to grab his hand and tell him it's okay, that it's all in the past, that it wasn't that big of a deal.

Instead, Nico tries to ease their friendship to be comfortable. They greet each other whenever they pass, with happy glances and unspoken "hellos." Nico adds extra effort to pretend that those small mannerisms don't make his stomach flutter.

Will appears happier than usual after they had made up. Nico thinks that's a coincidence but Drew thinks otherwise, with her knowing glances and smirks. Not only does he seem happier, but he also seems to...cling to Nico.

It started with lingering touches, a slow drag of Will's fingertips across his face from brushing Nico's hair behind his ears or wiping away food from his mouth. No matter how much it happened Nico could never stop the small gasp that escaped his mouth every time. Then it got more touchy, with Will slinging an arm over his shoulders to completely attaching himself to his back while talking to someone.

It wasn't just Will, though. Nico also realized he was getting...clingy. It wasn't his fault, Will was just warm. He found himself leaning onto Will's side or hugging his arm. It was just so casual and felt so natural that Nico didn't notice they were hanging off of each other until Reyna had eyed them when passing them in the hallway.

Even though they're so comfortable with each other, they're still so awkward. Although Nico finds silence comfortable, he worries that Will feels uncomfortable. Not only that, Will seems to be...hesitant, for some reason. Whether it's approaching him or even just touching him occasionally.

But now it's five weeks after The Incident™ and things are going smoothly. Nico can understand how Will could still feel guilty, he can sense it in the way he sees scribbles litter his arms during the day. He wonders how Will feels, being so close to others he thinks aren't his soulmate.

As much as Nico wants to outright tell Will that he's his soulmate, he wants this to be natural. He wants Will to fall for him slowly, without the force of knowing he's his soulmate.

Like he did. When Nico would admire him from a distance all throughout high school. Before he found out that Will was his soulmate.

A small brush of fingertips snaps Nico out of his trance. That small brush turns into a whole hand enveloping his.

"Hey," Will smiles, whispering. He fiddles with Nico's hand in his, thumb brushing over the back of his hand.

They're early to class, Will's body turned around to face Nico. It's quiet in the room, the windows providing the only light. Nico stares at the top of Will's head, who's slumped over Nico's desk.

"Hey," Nico whispers back. "Are you still tired?" He's familiar with being overwhelmingly tired—through sixth grade to now.

Will makes a hum of discontent and agreement. "Didn't get enough sleep last night," He mumbled, voice muffled by the desk.

Fingers carded through Will's hair. "I'm afraid you're turning into me." Nico chuckles softly as Will shifts to get Nico to massage a specific part of his scalp.

"Is that such a bad thing?"

Nico's speechless for a second but sighs it off. "I don't think sleep deprivation is healthy."

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