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    After the mess on Sunday, Monday had arrived. Nico wasn’t prepared to deal with anything this day. He had lazily got ready and left for school with Hazel.

   Walking down the school hallways, Nico was stopped by Jason.

   “Hey, Nico!” Jason called, walking towards him. “I have an idea.” The Italian rose an eyebrow, continuing his walk. Jason followed. They made their way to Nico’s locker, where Jason started to tell Nico his plan.

    Jason looked to Nico, smiling. “We’re going to find your soulmate!” He declared, making Nico suck in a breath.

   “You don’t have to do that.” Nico tried to convince Jason, saying it was a bad idea.

    “Nonsense!” Jason shook his head, leaning against Nico’s locker. “You helped me find my soulmate, so I’ll help you find yours.” His face quickly changed to sympathetic. “You deserve some happiness.” Nico gives him a faux scowl which Jason saw through.

    But what if I already found my soulmate? Nico thought bitterly as he shoved Jason off his locker. He grabbed his needed items and was about to make his escape before he headbutt right into Will’s shoulder.

    “Ow.” Nico mumbled while rubbing his forehead. Looking sheepish, Will laughed nervously.

    “Hey, Nico.” He addressed, looking deeply into Nico’s eyes, making Nico squirm. Will looked to Jason. “What are you guys doing?” To Will’s question, Jason beamed.

    “I’m gonna help Nico find his soulmate.” He smiled, the scar on his lip prominent.

    Will didn’t look as happy as Jason. He quirked an eyebrow, “Oh,” Will sounded strained, “really?” Jason nodded excitedly. Will pursed his lips, looking away. “Well, have fun.”

    “Wait, Will—” Nico reached a hand out, but Will ignored him. His hand faltered, falling to his side. Jason, as clueless as ever, continued talking about his plan.

    He stood there, confused. Why did Will ignore him? Nico bit his lip. Maybe he didn’t hear me. The bell rang, snapping Nico out of his thoughts as he went to Science class.

    Unfortunately yet fortunately, the teacher had moved Will into the seat next to him. The desks and benches were two people each, making it so that Will would be right beside him.

    The silence between them was tense and awkward. Droning on, the teacher continued her lesson, but Nico wasn’t paying attention. His hand was laying on the bench, right next to Will’s. Nico could feel Will’s hand inching towards his own, almost overlapping. He felt a pinky intertwine with his, but then retracted just as fast. Turning his head to Will, he saw the other boy’s face harden and avoid eye contact. He tilted his head, making Will’s face darken. He flinched, his eyes staring down onto the desk.

     The rest of the lesson had ended fast, Nico watching as Will bolted out of the room. He held himself back, wanting to chase him. A hand on his shoulder made him jump.

     Turning around, he saw Reyna, someone who hadn’t talk to him much.

     “That Solace boy giving you trouble?” She asked with an underlying tone of threat. Nico shook his head. Reyna seemed not to believe him, her face still in bored disbelief. “Well,” She pat his shoulder, “if he does, don’t hesitate to talk to me.” With that, she was off.

    Nico didn’t understand why Reyna had approached him, suddenly caring, but there were so many things that already didn’t make sense. He mulled over all the unending confusion during the morning of the school day. That was until lunch came.

    Nico bursted into the lunchroom, hellbent on talking to Will. He grabbed his food and scanned the room. Finding a familiar head of blond hair, Nico hurriedly went to Will.

    “Hey, Wil—” His eyes widened as he saw Will brushing a lock of hair behind a girl’s ear, smiling and all. Swallowing, his hands tightened around his lunch tray. He caught the eye of Drew, who was also watching the scene with an emotion he could not place. Not only did he catch the eye of Drew, but also Will, who's smile dropped, almost into a sad expression before going back to a cheery facade.  

    “Oh, hey Nico.” Will turned his body to him, still tense as ever. “What are you doing here?”

    Nico looked to his lunch tray and then to Will. “I thought we could have lunch together.” He murmured shyly, his hair falling into his face, blocking parts of his view. He almost thought he saw Will's face melt, but it was quickly switched into a smile that didn't seem real.

    “Oh,” Will look to the girl, almost regretfully, “I'm already having lunch with Liz here.” The mentioned girl giggled, twirling her hair bashfully. Nico could feel his heart throb painfully, almost used to the hurt.

    He looked up to Will with sad eyes. “Okay.” Walking away, seeing a flash of hurt go across Will's face.

    Lunch was a bust, that's for sure. Nico decided on talking to him after school, hopefully alone.

Nico di Angelo:

Can you meet me in the front after school?

   He traveled down the hall to his next class, waiting for a vibration from his phone. Soon enough, the phone shook.

Will Solace:


    Nico frowned, wanting a better reaction. He sighed. It was better than none.

    After classes had ended, the students filed out, and the teachers packed up, Nico waited for Will in the front of the school. He kicked his legs under the table, slouching.

    Footsteps could be heard as Will stepped closer. Nico perked up, running to Will, who looked surprised.

    “Will!” Nico huffed. “Why were you ignoring me?” He demanded, narrowing his eyes. The boy in question stiffened, clicking his tongue.

     “Just leave it.” Will states, grimacing.

     Nico gives him a pleading look, to which Will clenches us jaw. “Will…”

    “Just go find your soulmate, Nico.” He dismissed coldly, leaving Nico in shock.

Sorry for such a shitty chapter. It's really poorly written. I have a lot I'm doing and I guess writing two fics at once isn't a good idea. Although I do like writing these fics in my free time which I have none of. (σ՞ਊ՞)σ

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