Database Search #2

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Thanks to TheyCallHerAvalon for reading my story! Here's the new chapter!

...Search item: ship plant...
...Search results... Excerpt from Harrison's Journal of Drey Botany...
Scitus vinea, commonly known as a ship plant is truly one of the most incredible organisms in the universe. These psychic, semi-sentient plants were first discovered in the Drey ruins on the planet Vironet, however no one is quite certain where they originated from. Investigations have shown that these plants were cultivated in almost every Drey colony. Though, not entirely sentient, the ship plant is clearly able to detect and indicate the best body for it to take root in. It grows in two separate parts that are linked telepathically. One part grows through the vessel, carrying power and commands to every part of the ship. The other part fuses to whichever host body it chooses. Once fused to the host, it's telepathic abilities allows the ship body to communicate with the vessel's computer effectively making all three into one creature.

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