Chapter 1: Found at last

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The heroes were surrounding the safehouse. The Nº1 Hero All Might as well as other top heroes had been tracking down the villain that was hiding inside the house, but it wasn't just for him. The villain had a hostage. An anonymous call to the police had given them the clues to discover where the villain was hiding himself and the hostage. Then, suddenly, the Villain tried to escape. He jumped outside through the window to land on a nearby rooftop, from where he started to run desperately. But he didn't get far, as the Nº3 Hero Edgeshot was waiting for him to make that kind of maneuver, just to knock him out immediately the moment he saw him.

- The villain is out, you may proceed into the safehouse All Might - said Edgeshot through the small walkie-talkie he had inside his ear.

All Might immediately broke through the door. What he saw was a deserted house, with no apparent life inside it. But the light which came out from under a door marked the room as the one the hostage was inside. When All Might entered the room, with a swat team backing him up, he saw something that broke his golden heart. A male teenager, about the same age as his sister (which by the way was the only family he had left), about 176 cm tall, a little bit muscled, semi naked and with his body full of scars, some of which were still bleeding. He was lying down on the floor on a fetal position, sobbing desperately for the villain not to come back, and when he suddenly looked up at All Might, he began to cry out loud.

- All Might! - he said while crying - You're here!

All Might's heart was shaking from the scene, and he did what he felt he had to. He hugged the boy, which only caused him to cry even more.

- Hush now, hush... - said All Might with a tender voice - It's over now. You're safe, and that villain won't ever hurt you again. Now come with me... young Midoriya.

A couple days later, at the police station:

- So what can you tell me about the villain called "Grey Blades" young Midoriya? - asked All Might while he sat in front of Midoriya inside one of the police station's rooms.

- Well - said Midoriya, who was currently wearing new clean clothes, and after taking a shower and sleeping appropriately, looked better, though the scars on his body would never disappear - He... he said he was under the orders of someone else, and his job was to make experiments on me. Though his Quirk allowed him to transform his hands into sharp blades, he was actually some kind of doctor. He studied the effects of what they have put inside me.

- And what is that they put inside you? And how can we take it out? - asked All Might.

- I'm afraid you... you'll never get it away from me, as it is now fused with me - replied Midoriya while tears started to come out of his eyes.

- I'm sorry young Midoriya - said All Might - We've been looking for you since you disappeared 2 years ago, but we couldn't find a clue until an anonymous call got to the police and gave us the clues to find you. And I'm afraid I have 1 bad and 2 good news for you. Which do you want to hear first?

- The bad please - replied Midoriya.

- Well, I'm afraid during your captivity, your mother fell into depression and ended up committing suicide. That's the bad news. The good news are that you'll live with your sister in an apartment which is maintained by the U.A. School for heroes. That's one of them. The second one, well, I'm not the one supposed to tell you. I'm afraid that is their job - said All Might as he looked at the door which opened the moment he finished talking. Through it entered two people. A strange type of rat-like animal with a scar in his right eye, which was walking upstraight and wearing a suit, and with him was...

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