Band with Autistic S/O

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i sent this ask before, but I'm not sure it sent through! so maybe the band with an autistic s/o?

Sorry, I don't think it was sent, I apologize :( But, it's here now!


• When you told him, he didn't react badly. You were expecting him to get mad about why you didn't tell him at the beginning of your relationship, but he asked why you didn't want to tell him at first.
• He plays lots of video games with you, since he knows that's a good outlet for your anxiety. He enjoys it.
• Sometimes he'll play with a fidget toy of yours if you leave one lying around. He likes the fidget spinner. Un-ironically.
• He knows that you don't react well to surprises, so he doesn't plan any. Mainly because he couldn't keep surprises from you, yet he forgets to tell you some things in advance.


• He didn't make a fuss out of it at all. You expected some kind of reaction, but all you got was an "oh, okay. Good to know."
• He will try his best to make sure everything is in order, so you don't have to reprocess things. It helps him as well.
• Considering that he's an angry man most of the time, it clashes with the fact that you have problems controlling your temper, so you argue a lot. You forgive each other not long after.
• Sometimes he gets frustrated at times, trying to make you the happiest and unproblematic you can be, but he doesn't know much about Autism. He tries to read a bit about it when he can.


• Okay, so she doesn't want you ever feel like she doesn't understand you, so she actually has a book on how to help your loved one with Autism.
• She just held your hand when you told her. She didn't really say anything, and just smiled at you.
• She always makes sure that you have something to look forward to at the end of the day, so you're motivated through the day. Most of the time, it's a special dinner or a movie night.
• She makes sure that you have time to process things, like if you have a dentist appointment, she'll make sure that you know in case you have to change your schedule, otherwise, you'll get kind of stressed out.


• The first thing he said is "This explains some things." He hoped it didn't come off as rude, that's the last thing he wanted you to think after you told him.
• He likes to listen to the one thing that you know almost everything about. Like, you forget a few things about some subjects, like schedules, but you would ramble on to him about that one subject you love. Like a sport, or hobby.
• when you two go out, he'll always stay with you, in case things get to intense, and he'll have a fidget toy in his pocket for you if you get anxious.
• Russel is great when you have any meltdowns. He's had many experiences calming Murdoc down in the past, and he always knows how to calm you down.


• "Tell me about it, hun, what's autism?" He doesn't know much about autism, so he asks you to tell him what it's like so he can help.
• He takes you someplace calmer if you get stressed, where there's less people, usually outside, and asks if you're okay.
• He understands that it may take a bit longer for you to understand some things, like what some phrases mean, so he'll make sure he doesn't speak too fast when he rambles.
• He helps when you may not be able to be assertive for yourself. He's known you long enough that he can read your facial expressions when you want to say no, but feel like you can't. He's always ready to stand up for you.

The next chapter is gonna have a little bit of NSFW, just a warning. Nothing with tons of details, just slight NSFW. Have a good day!

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