chapter 2

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Ninjutsu. An abomination created by the humans to wage wars. That was not what he had taught when he was alive. That was not the intended purpose. He sought to bring peace. He sought to connect people through chakra. Hence, he shared his unique chakra with others in the hope that human kind could better understand each other. Alas, humans are such fickle beings.

His own son, Indra, had disregarded everything his teachings stood for. Everything he sought to protect. After he died, he had hoped his younger son, Ashura, could convince his brother to leave the path of darkness. That however, could not be possible in their current life. He knew how powerful his two son's chakra was. It could be considered near omnipotent, yet, nowhere near his own. He saw his two-son's chakra transmigrate in two other shinobi generations later. Yet again, he hoped these two could resolve the feud his two sons had begun. However, again. he was proved wrong.

He knew he shouldn't have cast his attention away from Indra. But Ashura reminded him so much of himself. His younger son's ideals were exactly like his. To bring peace through love. While Indra too wanted the same thing, but differently. He wanted to dominate. This world did not need another person like his mother. So, he decided to give his son the power which he knew Ashura would use for the better. That was his first mistake. Unconsciously embracing one while neglecting the other.

He knew his sons' chakra would not rest until the feud was resolved and hence knew they would again transmigrate. Years later he again felt it. Ashura and Indra's chakra transmigrating. But he was surprised when they chose one vessel. He did not know the name of the human who they chose. However, he could feel this child was the descendant of both Indra and Ashura. He could only see foggy images. Blonde hair, blue eyes and his eyes widened slightly. 'Could he be?' He asked himself. The prophecy his friend spoke to him about. He smiled, knowing his friend couldn't be wrong. This time he knew what he had to do. He would not cast his attention away from Indra. They were both his sons. He loved them both equally. It pained him to see the generations long fight between them and it pained him to see the world so angry and so helpless. It pained him at how his other nine children were treated by the humans. However, he could not bring himself to hate them. Humans fear what they do not understand. He would give the world someone to put their trust in again. He would give the child what is rightfully his.

And so, when the child was born, he brought forth his shakujo and effectively gave the blonde boy his Yin and Yang chakra, which mixed with the boy's, forming chakra coils and essentially making it his own chakra. He smiled as he saw the sun mark on his tiny right hand and the half crescent moon mark on his left hand pulsate for a second and vanish, set for the child to be seen when he reaches deep within his soul.

He heard his eldest child, Kurama, scream in agony when his Yin chakra was ripped from him and his Yang half sealed inside the blonde infant. He couldn't let his eldest go down a path filled with hatred. He reached Kurama within the boy's mindscape and immediately calmed him down with one touch of his hand. He knew he didn't have much time in the realm of mortals. And before he disappeared from this realm, he told his eldest his last words, "Help him Kurama. This child will be different. He is destined for greatness, the likes of which have never been seen. Guide him along the right path. Save him in his dark times and stand alongside him in his brighter ones. The child of prophecy has taken birth."

Kurama smiled hearing his father's words. "So, the time has come Rikoudo-jiji. No harm shall come to this boy so long as I'm here in this world." The fox said with conviction present in its voice.

Hagoromo knew this time, the world would change. This time, the world will have her savior. Humanity will have its savior. He could rest now and watch the blonde boy's story unfold.

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