chapter 21

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With sheer strength, Kakashi managed to deflect the large sword, much to everyone's surprise. However, the man named Zabuza once again swung his sword with precision, aiming to sever Kakashi's torso. Kakashi shifted to the right slightly and parried the sword and directed it towards the ground. He quickly followed it up by aiming his right hand coated in electricity towards Zabuza's head. With quick reflexes, Zabuza ducked under Kakashi's hand and dissolved into water. He then rose from the water in the ocean and to Tazuna's surprise, stood perfectly balanced.

"You got some nice moves there, Kakashi..." Zabuza chuckled as he rested his sword on his shoulders. He smirked as he could sense the slight tension developing in the genins. But inwardly he was analyzing his chances of getting out on top. He believed he could most likely take Kakashi in a one on one fight, but the blonde kid was a whole different matter. He glanced at the shinobi who was given the moniker of Shiroi Shinigami and noticed that Naruto hadn't moved from his place at all. The tales of the blonde Uchiha had reached even Mizu no Kuni and in a practical scenario, he would like to avoid fighting Naruto at all costs. Yet, every cell in his body wanted to test the blonde's strength and confirm if the rumors about his battle prowess were indeed true or not.

Kakashi jumped in front of his team and lifted his headband, showcasing his fully matured sharingan.

"Oh? The sharingan already? You honor me, Kakashi. Then, I shall also fight with my full strength." Zabuza stated firmly. The genins of team seven had their eyes widened on hearing that their sensei had a sharingan. Out of the three, Sasuke was the most shocked as he wondered just how Kakashi got his hands on a sharingan or the fact that he never told his team about it. But he kept quiet as he intently focused on the two jounin level shinobi fighting before him.

Kakashi and Zabuza once again ran at each other, and Zabuza performed a vertical swing. As the large sword came down, Kakashi jumped and aimed a kick to Zabuza's right arm. But the Kiri swordsman easily blocked the kick with his elbow and in a show of impressive strength, pushed Kakashi back. As Kakashi backflipped and landed on the ground, he performed a few hand seals and called, "Katon: Kakiryuu no jutsu". A fire emerged all around the white-haired jounin and took the form of a dragon which then proceeded towards Zabuza with an intimidating look. Not deterred by the katon jutsu, Zabuza performed his own set of hand seals.

"Suiton: Suiryuudan no jutsu" The water around Zabuza rose to about fifteen feet and took the form of a giant dragon with glowing yellow eyes. As the two opposing jutsu collided with each other, a natural mist now formed in the area. Kakashi instantly became highly alert of his surroundings as he aware of Zabuza's specialty. Zabuza quickly hid his presence in the mist and moved towards Kakashi's direction. Sensing danger behind him, Kakashi immediately turned around and blocked the giant sword. The two battled in strength for a few seconds but Zabuza soon overpowered Kakashi and cleaved the jounin in half. To his surprise, Kakashi dissolved into water and the next second, he found a hand covered in sparkling electricity sticking out of his chest.

"It's over Zabuza." Kakashi whispered behind him. However, Zabuza chuckled and also dissolved into water. Kakashi had to immediately duck down as heard the swishing sound of the sword cutting through the air. He instantly proceeded to jump away, but Zabuza reacted a tad bit quicker and managed to get a small cut on Kakashi's left arm. Instead of following after Kakashi, Zabuza once again jumped towards the ocean. As the mist cleared, Hinata, Sakura and Sasuke were alarmed on seeing Kakashi panting and clutching his left arm. Sasuke began shaking slightly as he once again felt the fear creep up his spine. The same fear he had felt the night his clan was murdered.

'So, this is how jounins fight. I'm not even close to their level. If this continues, I may just go crazy This is insane. So much killing intent.' Sasuke thought with beads of sweat rolling down his face. He glanced towards Naruto and was surprised that the blonde stood in his place calm as a tree. Yet again, he cursed his own lack of power. He brought a kunai close to his thigh and proceeded to stab himself slightly to divert the sense of fear elsewhere. He gritted his teeth but kept his calm. Hinata and Sakura were not faring any better. Even though they appeared to be relatively calmer on the outside; inwardly they too were quaking in fear. This was the first time they had witnessed two jounins fight to death. And from the looks of it, Zabuza had the upper hand. Tazuna, however, was having the worst time of all. He was down on the ground and clutched his head in pain. All of this was beginning to get too mortifying for him to bear.

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