Chapter Two

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"HEY CUNT!!" My Mom called from the dumpster, "YEAH?" I yelled back. No response. I yelled again, no response. I sighed as I got up from my bean bed and put on my Emoji mOvie shirt. I tumbled down the stairs gracefully, then approached my mothers prized dumpster. "Yes, parental figure?" I got my mothers attention. "Sweetie, you are gonna be in the gay boi pageant tomorrow!" I was taken aback. The gay boi pageant?! I'd be SO embarrassed... "But Mommy!!! I don't wanna!" I whined out "Shut your lips, you burnt celery. You are going in that pageant." My mother stated. I flopped on the ground with a thud and started my fit. It looks as though I had a seizure, but no. I don't want to be in a pageant! I don't wanna! I screamed bloody murder as I thrashed around, hoping mommy would let me skip it. "CAILLOU URKEL NIBBA TUCKER YOU ARE GOING IN THE PAGEANT. AND THAT IS FINAL."
I pouted as I stomped to my room. It wasn't fair!! I went to a bathroom to take an angry poop. I fell asleep as my defecation hit the toilet bowl.

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