Chapter Three

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I awoke with a fright on the toilet. Oh. It was just a dream. I sighed as I got up and walked out of the bathroom, without pants. I walk down stairs to go eat some Resse's Puffs. My sister, Hottie Thottie stopped me in my tracks! "HAHAHAHAHAHA FOOLISH MORTAL, FORGETTING HIS CLOTHING! HOW PATHETIC! I AM THE GOD OF THIS WORLD!" My sister barked out. My momma simply rolled her eyes at her dumbness. "Calliou! Hurry up and look presentable!" Mommy said, "But why Mommy? What is I doing today?" "Why, you are going in the pageant!" My heart dropped as I heard her said that. I couldn't be in a pageant! I'm a big boy! I wailed loudly, begging not to. "Hottie Thottie, help your brother get dressed." My mom said, clearly annoyed. "Whatever you insist, Parental Figure..." Hottie Thottie grabbed me by my eye socket and yeeted me up the stairs, down the hallway, and into her room. "Do not fret, Bretheren. I will give you the beauty you never had." My sissy said. Oh boy, this was gonna be interesting...

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