Chapter Four

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I screamed in terror as Hottie Thottie stripped me down, completely nude. She went over to her cabinet, and pulled out denim underwear. She forced the garment on me, humiliating me in the process. Hottie then went into her closet and dug our a chest with pentagrams drawn all around it.  "W-What are you gonna do, sis?" I asked shakily. By this point I was fearing for my life. "I am introducing you to my culture, brethren." She responded. Hottie pulled something strange, what appeared to be some pelt..? Why would she have pelt? "Whatcha g-got there s-sis..?" I asked, frightened. "You're new uniform." Uniform? As she held it up, my eyes widened as big as saucers. There is was, in all it's disgusting glory.

 There is was, in all it's disgusting glory

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I screeched as loud as humanly possible. "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I thrashed around but before I knew it my sister had me in that disgusting fur suit. "GET ME OUT" I yelled at Hottie Thottie. "Hey bro you better stop before I turn your penIS into a penWAS" Hottie Thottie remarked. She grabbed me by my melon and shoved the helm to the suit onto my head. I tried my best to take it off but it was no use! Hottie had used Flex Glue®︎ to seal it shut. I can not believe what is happening. "Come along, brether, for we must go on with our day."

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