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Tony Stark stared blindly at the grey ash in his palm. That monotone dust used to belong to the most vibrant, pure-hearted person Tony had ever met. How someone so full of energy could be reduced to a pile of dirt in so little time, the broken man didn't know.

His side didn't even hurt anymore; how could it? The wound in his heart overshadowed even the voices from behind him. There was only one person left on this forsaken planet with him. That person was not his Peter. Tony would trade a thousand innocent lives for that one at that moment - and Tony knew that wasn't how a hero thought. It was selfish, his plan to beg Thanos for Peter's life in exchange for how many others, he didn't care. It probably wouldn't work. Peter certainly wouldn't want that.

Peter, oh sparks, Peter.

That kid that never seemed to shut up, if only it could be his voice lowly talking behind him. If only it was the bubbly, overly honest Peter Parker trying and failing to console him. Although Peter would never fail. There was nothing Peter could fail at in Tony's eyes. He had decided that even before the ferry incident.

How Tony wished he could go back to that time and hug Peter instead of tearing away his suit. He never did find out what happened while Peter didn't have his suit, but he knew it still gave him nightmares. It used to tear Tony apart.

Now, Tony was completely torn to shreds and numbly staring at his palm, still grey. Still dusty. There were inconsolable sobs echoing through the air, it took Tony a moment to realize they were his.

No, Peter... no...

"I'm sure they meant a lot to you." The unfamiliar voice said slowly. Tony turned like a man not fully in control of his body. "They... no. I lost... I lost my son." Tony's voice broke when he finally said it out loud.

For the past few weeks Tony had been going through the five stages of grief over this revelization.

No, he did not view Peter as his son.

Why did he view Peter as his son? Unacceptable!

Well, maybe he could think of Peter as his son, but he just wouldn't say it out loud. Then it would never be real.

How could he let this happen? Tony had dragged Peter into this war and now was selfishly trying to lighten his life by sucking Peter into it. Tony didn't deserve Peter!

Now, Tony had reached acceptance. But it was too late.

"I lost my son!" He wailed to the unforgiving atmosphere, cluthing his fist to his chest and sobbing. The blue skinned stranger waited quietly, bowing her head in respect. She had seen the boy clinging to his father in his last moments. She had finally seen the way a family should be, and not how she was treated.

The man in front of her was hunched and broken, not the strong man who'd fought Thanos one on one just minutes earlier. Not the only person able to draw blood from the titan through the whole battle. The only thing left was this hollow shell.

"We need to get somewhere safer." Nebula suggesting, trying not to sound too grumpy. "Thanos could come back." That seemed to break the trance.

"He won't come back here. But if we can find where he is..." the man looked up at her with a set expression, "I'll kill him myself."


The unsteady duo managed to repair Nebula's pod - but barely. They squeezed in, and set coordinates for Earth.

"My name is Nebula." She finally offered. The two had worked in sullen silence - which had been favorable for Nebula's personality and Tony's grief. Now, however, Nebula needed information to trust him. Of course, she would never trust him. The only person she trusted was Gamora.

Now, it was no one.

"Tony Stark." He bit bitterly. "Who was your son?" Nebula found herself asking. She figured she'd spent too much time with Mantis on her short stay with the guardians. She was going soft.

"Peter. His name... is Peter. He's the best, brightest kid you'll ever meet. He's going to be smarter than me one day. And he's already got a better heart than I could ever hope to have. I... it should have been me." Tony remembered the night he and Pepper had looked over the deeds to his company.

He had signed it all away to Peter. If Tony died, Peter got the company. They had no doubt he would keep Pepper around for a while to learn how it all worked, but then she'd be happy to step down. She had fallen in love with Peter in only a few weeks. He was so much like Tony; smart, brave, charming... yet he still had so much hope for the world. He had a chance at actually making the world a better place through Stark industries.

But now...

Tony paled at the thought of Pepper. Did she...?

Please, not her too.

Tony only remembered Nebula when she shifted uncomfortably. How long had he been silent? Trapped his his torturous reverie?

"I'm sorry, did... did you lose anyone?" Tony asked softly. He didn't want to be unfeeling, he figured they would both need a friend at that time.

"I did, my sister. The only real family I ever had. Thanos was... he was my father." Tony stiffened at the revelation. "I'm sorry about what he did."

"Hey, it's not your fault." Tony insisted. "Dad's can be... Dad's can suck." Dad's can be unable to save their children from death. Dad's can be unable to tell their children how much they love them. He should've told Peter he loved him...

Now he'd never get the chance.

Sorry not sorry for the angst!!!

Yes this is going to jump between soul realm and midgard so no, this is not going to be canon compliant. Sorry my friends!!!

Thank you so much for reading!!!

Why am I using so many exclamation marks!!! Help!!!


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