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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of kidnapping and a panic attack. Stay safe! (does whump trigger anyone because if it does you do not want to read any of my stories sorry hun)

Peter wasn't keeping track anymore. He doubted any of them were. They walked through endless deserts, endless little camps of aliens, people or animals. They'd all covered up their suits with less conspicuous clothing. Neutral wraps of light fabric that drew less eyes. Mantis had wrapped Peter's head and neck, almost covering his whole face with one piece of cloth. Apparently some alien species she had come in contact with thought cute little terrans could fetch a high price, even in a different realm - Quill echoed the same sentiment.

Groot had grown quite a bit in the time they spent in the realm, and he and Peter became close. Groot knew what vines were, that kept them entertained for a few days.

Finally, for the first time, the band of misfits came into contact with an actual strucure. Nick spotted it first, pointing it out on the horizon.

"A mirage?" T'Challa had suggested - there had been many of those. "We're all seeing it, right?" Maria insisted, the weathered agent looking somewhere near hopeful.

"This may indeed be the place." Strange suggested, and Wanda stepped forwards. "No, this is it. This is the place." A moment of silent reverie passed between them.

A crew of heroes, grown into a tightknit band of travelers, and now they reached their destination. Peter thought he would cry.

"I'm ready to kick some ass." Quill growled, rolling his shoulders. "We're not going to go in with our guns drawn." Bucky reasoned, "there might be something else going on here."

They continued forwards, running into a small encampment of traders. The last village between them and the center of the Soul Relam.

"We should stay the night here." T'Challa decided as they entered the dusty streets. "We could get some supplies. Even if we end up not needing to fight." Sam added.

"Just one night." Peter insisted. He wanted to get out of there. He needed to go home. They were so close. "I am Groot."

There was no currency in the village, only trades. They had to trade any extra scarves for a place to stay. Peter started to take off his head wrap, but Wanda stopped him quickly. "Wha-"

"Ssh, look around." She whispered, nodding at the people around them in the merchant carts. Several of the grizzled blue-skinned humanoids were staring, and Peter shuddered. Wanda wrapped the scarf back around his head.

It was a resltless evening for everyone. A couple encampments back Sam had traded a cloth sling for an old deck of cards. He played black jack with Bucky, T'Challa, Maria and Nick. Maria was winning, she had the best poker face.

Peter took off his scarf finally and dusted the sand off his cheeks and out of his hazelnut curls. Without cutting, his hair had gotten substantially longer and curlier and hung wildly down past his ears. Mantis thought he looked cute, and played with it often. Peter knew she pretended to play with his hair to get him to sleep. He didn't mind though, those were some of the few nights he didn't have nightmares.

"Do you think we'll make that walk in one day?" Peter asked Drax quietly. Drax looked down at him and smirked. "Not you, you're too puny. But I will carry you, if necessary." Peter chuckled. He liked to ask Drax questions, he always got unpredictabley obscure responses.

Peter let Mantis wind tiny braids into the bottom of his hair and he fell asleep. When he woke up, it was to shouting. Some voices he recognized, most weren't even in a language he recognized.

The small tent they were staying in was filling with smoke, and it made Peter's eyes water as he coughed. "Peter!" Quill cried, punching one of the aliens. Wanda and Groot were already down, crumpled in the corner, as Peter scrambled to his feet.

At his movement, several loud clicks sounded from the ferocious aliens invading their tent. "Run!" Sam cried, two aliens restraining him and trying to gas him so he'd fall asleep. Peter coughed more and tried to shake his head, vision blurring.

Suddenly a four-fingered hand was around his arm and all his senses returned - including the spidey ones. "Hey, let go!"

"Release him!" Drax cried, coming out of nowhere and bashing the alien with a crate. Peter fell to the side, more hands instantly on him. He nearly freaked out, but it was just Bucky dragging him out of the tent.

Met with what Peter had come to know as 'fresh air' he coughed and hunched over his knees. Bucky grabbed him by the shoulders and hid them both behind the next shelter. "What the... what-what's going on?" Peter coughed, gulping air.

"Some of the aliens attacked us. Wanda read one of their minds, they were trying to kidnap you." Bucky explained, hand still anchored on Peter's upper arm. "Kid-kidnap me? What for?" Bucky leveled him with a serious gaze. Peter swallowed. He'd been alive long enough to know what human trafficking was. "Oh. Oh God."

It was only a few minutes later that all the aliens went running out of the tent, and all Peter's team came stumbling out. Wanda had regained consciousness, and looked rather pale and panicky.

"Peter? Peter!" She screamed in the streets, Sam about to chase after a band of them. "Here! He- I'm here!" Peter jumped up and ran over, nearly being tackled by T'Challa. "Great spirits of the ancestors!" The King muttered, clenching a fist in Peter's hair.

"We leave. Now." Strange grumbled, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. When they started walking, all protectively checking on Peter as they continued, what almost happened really set in.

Those aliens barely had a look at Peter and tried to take him. They needed to get out of this hell hole.

Peter rubbed his arms as they walked towards the vague wall in the distance. What if there was nothing there? What if there was no way out? His breaths came in wheezes and his steps faltered.

"Peter?" Mantis mumbled quietly, and quickly Bucky turned around. "Guys? Water break?" The former Winter Soldier called, jogging over to where Peter was staring blindly at the ground.

"Hey Peter? You ok?" Bucky asked, but Peter didn't really hear him. His mind was racing and his knees were buckling. His head was pounding and he would never make it out of here. He would never see May, or Ned or Mj... He would never see Tony again. Peter didn't notice Bucky take all of his weight and lower him to a sitting position, but he did notice Bucky's voice slowly making itself heard inside his web of panic.

"Can you breathe with me?" Bucky asked, pressing Peter's palm over his heart. The others were trying to give them some privacy, they all knew what a panic attack was and how too many people could be embarrasing and overwhelming.

"Peter? Come on. Deep breath in, 1, 2, 3... and out. That's it. Can you hear me?" Peter was dragged out by Bucky's calm and he finally focused on him. "You with us, kid?" Peter nodded and clenched his jaw. He fought back the sting of his eyes as Strange came over and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" The sorcerer asked. Peter nodded again and looked up tiredly. "Yeah, I just want to go home."

You guys asked that I update, careful what you wish for!!!

You probably thought they'd get out this chapter, but noooooo I'm drawing this out for max feels. Plus, I wanted this to be a bit realistic. If you're in a desert with minimal supplies and no currency, what do you trade? Well the only materials in abundance to trade are people soooo I figured that would kind of be the dynamic that happened. Plus Peter's a cutie.

Thanks for reading! I know I'm bad at writing panic attacks, but its hard to put in to words. I hope none of you guys have ever experienced those, but its more rare these days to not have had panic attacks and anxiety. STAY SAFE EVERYONE and have a nice week!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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