Chapter 8

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May's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and I could already tell that today.. would be a bad day.

Today I had to break up with Kevin. it wasn't that I didn't want to break up with him, it's just that I'm kinda scared as to how he'll react. Kevin was always the type to let you know if he was mad. he's very.. expressive of his feelings.

Looking over to the clock I saw that it was only eight o'clock. I didn't want to get up but I knew that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. sighing I finally got out of bed and walked into the kitchen where I saw Luke standing, with his back to me.

"Morning" I said and he whipped his head around.

"Oh hi, sorry did I wake you?" he asked probably confused as to why I was up this early.

"No. why are you up? it's only eight" I asked grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Oh uh couldn't sleep." he mumbled looking down

"Are you alright?" I asked

Normally Luke is all cuddly and happy in the morning, but today he just seamed different

"Yeah I'm fine." he told me

"Luke." I said not believing him

"Okay.. you're breaking up with Kevin today right?" he asked and I could tell he's embarrassed.

"Yeah Ill go after I'm done with work." I told him and he nodded

"Do you want me to come? Are you going to be alright?" he asked and I chuckled

"Luke I'll be fine." I said

"Just be carful alright? you know how Kevin is.." he mumbled and I sighed

He was right I do know how Kevin is. he'll probably get really pissed and over react.

"Yeah, yeah I know I'll be fine don't worry." I said running a hand throughout hair.

"May it's my job to worry. it's my job to protect you." he said and I knew what he was talking about.

Luke's always been very protective of me. sometimes it gets annoying but I know that he's just looking out for me.

"No Luke it's not your job" I said shaking my head

"Yes it is May." he told me again ad I just sighed

"Okay Luke whatever you say." I said giving up. " I'm gonna go get ready" I told him before walking off to my bedroom.

I brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun. I put on my work clothes and did my make up.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Luke standing in the same place he was when I left him ten minutes ago.

"You leaving?" he asked looking up to me and I nodded

"Be carful May" he said walking up and pulling me I to a quick hug before kissing my head.

"I be fine luke" I said chuckling. Luke is totally over reacting right now.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" he asked again

"Luke I'll be fine" I said again before opening the door.

"Bye May" luke said

"Bye Luke" I replied chuckling again and left for a long day of work.

I was about 8pm and my shift was finally over, but in all reality I knew that wasn't the hard part if my day. I got into my car and turned on the radio. it was only about a 15 minute drive to Kevin's house. although this time it seemed to be hours before I got there. when I parked at the side of the road I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I had never done this before. I finally got out I the car and walked up to the door, ringing the door bell.

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