Chapter 3

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May's P.O.V

"Hey" I say with a smile as I walk into his house.

"Hey babe." Kevin said as he led me inside.

"Where are your parents?" I asked looking around his house.

I'm very close with Kevin's parents since him and I spend a lot of time at his house. he said he doesn't really like coming to mine since sometimes Luke is there and Luke makes him "uncomfortable" but I guess I understand. I mean after all Luke doesn't really like him.

I waited for Kevin's answer as he looked around before smirking at me.

"They're out." he tells me

I try to hide my slight disappointment. whenever Kevin and I hangout at his house his parents are always gone. which I guess I really don't really mind it's just i would like to see them every once and a while, like I said before them and I were very close.

"Okay, wanna watch a movie?" I ask him

"Or.." He said stepping closer. "We could.." He trailed off

Kevin and I have never had sex before, well actually I've never had sex with anyone before. I'm just not ready I guess.

One thing that freaks me out is that Kevin always wants to. I've told him many times that I'm not ready but he won't stop asking. it's not like he's making me do things, everytime I tell him that I'm not ready he respects that and won't ask me again for awhile.

"Kevin.." I trail off as he places his hands on my forearms bringing me closer and sharply sucking on my neck.

"Kevin s-stop" I finally chock out

"Come on May." he mumbles

I lightly pushed him off

"Kevin stop" I say again

"Mayyyy" he begs and I push him harder this time.

"Get off" I tell him.

"Fine lets go watch that movie. " he says and takes me into the living room where we end up watching some movie that he picked out.

I don't watch the movie tho. the only thing I could think about is what Luke will say when he sees the mark Kevin left of my neck.

Luke of course knows about Kevin trying to get me to do things after he saw a mark Kevin left on me a while ago. I told him it's wasn't a big deal and that I could handle it. we haven't talked about it since but I'm sure Luke wants to bring it up every time we have a "Kevin conversation" which is often. But I'm great full Luke doesn't bring it up because it really isn't a big deal. it's normal for a boy to want to have sex with his girlfriend and that's what's with Kevin. he's a guy, he gets horny, it happens.

Luke's P.O.V

"Hey man" Calum said as I walked into work almost late.

"Hey" I said back.

Calum and I have worked together in this movie theater since we were 17. Well I was 17, Calum was 16. Since I have a summer birthday I'm oldest in my class. that's why mostly all my friends are 18 and I'm 19. But of course I don't mind at all.

"How's it going?" Calum asked as I sat down next to him.

"Eh fine I guess." I groaned putting my face in my hands.

"What's up man?" Calum asked. Calum was one of my best friends so I figured I could tell him.

"It's May" I mumbled

"What's wrong with her?" he asked sounding slightly worried. him and May had met a few times before, they were pretty good friends I guess.

"It's her stupid boyfriend" I told him standing and pacing around.

"Whats wrong with him?" he asked

"I hate him." I said bluntly

"Oh yeah I remember you telling me about him before, Kevin right?" Calum asked and I groaned at the sound of his name.

"Yeah that's him."

"I don't really like that guy either." Calum told me.

"He treats her with no respect and she doesn't even care!" I say a little loader this time. there wasn't really many people here since it's about 3 in the afternoon. nobody really wants to see a movie at 3.

"Luke I get that's she's your bestfriend and all and you care about her, but she can take care of herself, she's a big girl remember." he tells me and I sigh.

"I guess you're right." I mumble before turning back to my work.


Thanks for reading! what do you think so far? any questions? if you have any I can answer them. please vote and comment and don't forget to check out my other story called 'protection' it's on my profile so make sure to check it out! thanks guys! ily:)

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