Pun my word

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I am waiting for the library to call me back. I am pretty sure I got the job! I did really well.

I was explaining my invention of a stain-proof type of paper for people who like both reading and coffee and they agreed it was a novel idea.

They were not completely convinced by my suggestion that we polish the books to reduce fiction when people take them. They were too shelf-ish to see the possibilities.

They asked me if I was willing to reshelve books.

I said "yeah book me as the chapter do that" but then I had a closer look at some of them and asked "what about these numbers Dewey use them or not?" I could tell they were impressed by this stage.

I knew I had won the job when they asked me about references. I was way ahead of them there. "Do you want them in APA or Harvard I asked. It was like I had read their minds.

They author be calling me about now.


So my son's dad recently took him to a little South Australian town called "Sherlock". His response might have been a trifle obvious but I will share it regardless. His first thought was that he would like to own a real estate business out there- Sherlock Homes. Then he said when he is rich enough he will buy a sewerage treatment plant, and his new business will be "No shit, Sherlock" I said "beaut" he said "No Sherlock. Bute is a completely different town"

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