Chapter 4

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The two of them stepped like it's nothing, heading towards the school. They didn't say a thing, just walking in silence while being on each other's side. Both are busy in their own mind. Yunbi is already filled with the deal they agreed upon and Lay is just happy that he gets to hold her hand. As they reached the gate, they can guess that they will be swarmed with people. Oh well, things happened already. Let's make the best of it.

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As they expected, which comes by every other day, the place was packed, swarmed with girls. Of course, their initial expectations were meeting the boys but who would have thought they would see the two lovey-dovey couples straight up to first thing in the morning. Half of the school is already aware of Lay's sudden confession yesterday. It's high school so all rumours fly fast like the newsstand. Each one passed us, different types of emotions laid out on their face. Some of them are jealous, a few smirks here and there to added. Some of the boys were raising their brows. Both of their classmates were looking at both of them with wide eyes. Of course, they were a bit confused considering they've been with their classmates respectively for a while and they saw the confession scene. Of course, they are close to what's called 'family'. Not that close but hey, living with the same face for years can lessen the gap. The remaining were a bunch of fangirls who like Lay, thus secretly praying for Yunbi's death. To begin with, Lay is popular. It's understandable that he is widely likeable.

Seeing that there are tons of people around, Lay sneakily grabbed Yunbi by the waist, pulling her closer to his circle. Slowly the boy leaned in near her ear, which caused another murmurs and whispers from the crowd. Even so, he didn't falter, just whispered something soothing to her, only her. "Don't you worry, I will protect you from these pests, my lady?" He whispered.

Yunbi's cheeks became red and like an instant, she turned her gaze away from the male. She didn't understand why let alone know what kind of reaction she should put up. Her head was denying it, her heart is slowly accepting it. Lay's expression clearly showed how happy he is, to be in Yunbi's bashful gaze. He was aiming for it, to kick the crush that resides in her heart, and took the throne to himself.

Of course, what's life without a little drama, isn't it? Walking silently, bashfully as they might add, both of them happened to bump into Lay's members. Of course, it's something both of them thought about it, dreadfully thinking how to avoid them (possibly just her, not him), and yet here they are, standing in front of the rest of the 11 members of EXO. All of them gave a smile, a smirk even and some whistled out to tease both of them. Yunbi just prepared for the worst, Lay protectively pulled Yunbi closer to him.

"Oho, look at this... Our cute little lamb has someone beside him." The small guy, Xiumin, spoke up first. He gave a small, soft gaze to Yunbi before changing his gaze back to Lay. Yunbi didn't expect much to be greeted that kind of way but at least they didn't write her name in a notebook or tried to slice her nape-... Back to reality.

Lay just gave a small chuckle, shaking his head when he heard his senior spoke like that. "Come on, guys. Senior, let the girl breathe a bit. We just got here." He said again, looking at them all. The 11 remaining members smirked, even more, couldn't help but grin at Lay's sudden gentleman comment. Yunbi's face froze a bit, stunned by the sudden act. Even so, she kept quiet.

"Even so, you have an angel by your side. It's no wonder your face flares up the glow. If you're tired of this idiot, little angel, you can always come into my arms." Suho spoke up this time, giving a wink as he made a pistol-shaped finger towards Yunbi, flirting towards her. Lay quickly went in front of her, shielding her as he tilts his head, smiling a bit. Talk about a knight in shining armour. That move alone made the rest of them cooed, before giving out a laugh.

"Hey, hey! Don't be such a player, Joonmyeon. Look at our man here. He's one step closer to killing you. Better keep that flirt within you." Someone said from the right, along with a small laugh. Yunbi's attention went to the side, looking at who's the one talking when she froze up again, looking at him. She then looked down, rather embarrassed. Even when she's 'officially' Lay's date, she still holds feelings towards Luhan and that both of them knew it so well. The rest of them were just in their own world, minding their own business, not noticing the sudden soft tense coming from both Lay and Yunbi.

"Oh! By the way, we haven't properly introduced it. What's your name, little angel?" Luhan looked at me, asking me as he smiled. The rest of them as if snapped back to reality wondered too. They never knew of the girl's name. Baekhyun just chuckled, shrugging as he put his hand on Luhan's shoulder. "Our Celestial (천신) is blushing." He said, which then earned a weird glance from them. 

"For a native Korean to say Celestial, I'm in tears!" Sehun spoke up, laughed out as along with the other members. Baekhyun just grumbled and shrugged a bit, even when his face flushed red already. "It was a slipped of the tongue. Geez, you guys don't even spare me in front of the lady." He whined, which earned a few more laughs from them. "Back to our main focus here. What's your name?" Kai spoke up, looking at Yunbi. The girl flinched a bit, but she remained strong.

"My n-name is Kim Y-Yunbi." She said, some light muttering as she looked down again. Lay saw this and took her hand again, trying to give some comfort to her. The rest of them didn't tease her further, knowing that they might make her uncomfortable if they kept on pushing to tease her. Kris put his hand on her shoulder, which caused her to flinch a little. He saw this action and pulled his hand away, rather guilty that he made her more uncomfortable. "It's fine, Yunbi. You're not the first. People often got scared or nervous when they meet us. I hope we can be friends in the future." He said, extending his arm out. She took it and handshakes were exchanged. Chanyeol grinned and leaned upfront. "Don't worry, Yunbi. We'll be besties in no time and I'll still call you little angel. That's your nickname." He said, which earned some nods from the rest. "Maybe except Baekhyun. He'll call you a Celestial, which basically a god." Sehun piped in, which made them laughed again, Baekhyun just whined out 'oh come on!' As a reply.

"Okay okay, guys... As much as we want to stay and chit-chat, the first period is just around the corner. Lay, let go of your princess's hand. We have work to do." Suho said, reminding them all. The rest of them cooed when they noticed (finally) the firm grasp of Lay's hand of Yunbi. Slowly, he let go but took them again, gave a gentle kiss. "Till we meet again, love." He said, giving a wink at her as he spoke those words in English. She blushed hard, but then smiled and laughed when she saw Lay's being pulled by the collar and his head being smacked. The rest of them are definitely jealous of them both. [Well yeah! I'm drinking vinegar too!]


Very very sorry... If you want to know what is the deal they are talking about,  I'll put it in the next chapter. I want to fit in this chapter apparently I've way too far. please vote for my story and follow me okay?

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