Chapter 17

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wheww!! luckily mom gave permission so that I could live with the boys. I packed my things and of we went to the boys dorm. After bringging the luggage upstairs, we then have a little meeting at the living room.

"okay, this house has 8 rooms, 3 bathrooms. You are going to sleep in that room at the end of the hallway, it has a bathroom inside the room so that you can have your own privacy. Our room is across tha hallway so you cpuld see us." Subo said while showing the place.

"okay, so baekhyun's roommate is chanyeol, kai's roommate is kyungsoo, sehun's roommate is luhan, kris's roommate is tao, xiumin's roommate is chen and your roommate is lay?" I asked suho. He nod happily.

"Good to know that you've known our roommates. well, that settled and it's night already. Let us all go to sleep okay?" suho said. All of us agreed with his desicions.

I went to my bed and get everything settled. After that I went and change. When I'm about to lay down, someone knocked.

"who is it?" I asked the outsider.

"it's me yixing." He replied.

"oh yixing. Come on in. It's fine, the doors are not locked yet." I said to him. He turned the dooknob and went inside. He came and sit on the bed near me.

"so, how was your day here? is ot fun or boring?" He made the first move. I looked at him. His eyes were like desperate.

"hey? yixing, are you okay? you looked.......desperate..." I said. He silenced for a while.

"nah, maybe i was too tired with the training and stuff."

"well, would you accompony me tonight? I'm kinda scared being alone." I said. He shook his head but i pout to him and made him nod.

"yeay!! thanks yixing!!" Without warning I hugged him.

"'re...." He said. I pulled away realising that I've did something...well, awkward.


We looked away because of embarrasment. this is awkward. I'd never thought she would hug me just like that!

"uhm, goodnight lay. I need to sleep now." she said suddenly.

"uh, ouh, okay then goodnight yun bi." I kissed her forehead. She just let me because we have kissed before and she did not barged. I walked to the door but her hand hold me back.

"uhm, lay, would you" She asked me. THAT WOULD BE HEAVEN!!!!

" problem..." I stutter.

I went to the other side of the bed and lay while holding her hand. After a few minutes she drifted in her dreams. I looked at her.

"you are a beautiful, why does they despies you. A beautiful and smart girl like you should not be bullied. I will take care of you after this. Not luhan hyung." I thought for myself.



"urgh! can't sleep! something tells me that someone is inside her room." I sighed.

"yah, hyung, why are you like this? don't be a whiner baby and just go to sleep." Someone said. I looked to my side and rolled my eyes.

"yah, sehun, shut up...go to sleep if you want to." I said to him.

"hyung, just sleep first. i won't budge until you sleep. Now go!"

luhan : okay,..........ehem....................... author-nim!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS TOO MUCH

author : story^^...what?

kai : hey, be lucky luhan hyung. You showed in almost every chapter...

luhan : you have your own story duh--...

tao :but I don' wae?

author : okay .....why does you guys are here anyway? shoo!!

all of them : fine * left*

urgh need to go to sleep. In a few minutes I drifted in my own dreamland.

the next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~


luhan wakes early and went to the bathroom. On his way, he saw suho's door were open, he peeped inside and saw only suho was at the bed. Where could lay be? with curiosity he figured there yixing wherebouts.

"i think I know where he is."  He said. He went to the end hallway, which was......her room.

Luhan turn the dooknob and his jaw dropped. Chen on the other hand saw where luhan was going. He followed him and stopped. He saw luhan's jaw dropped so he went to look.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!" Chen screamed. His screamed made everyone jumped!

duh duh duh.........what happend? they make out? or not? what had actually happend? comment vote and follow me okay?

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