twenty five

156 5 8

Fast forward 1 year later

Me and josh have been happily dating for quite a while now. We've been doing really well, I've been doing pretty good too. I've been going to counseling every Tuesday, and support group every other Friday. I was diagnosed with ptsd, anxiety, and depression. It was a lot to take in all at once, but josh was there for me every second of the way.

Oh also, I shaved Josh's head. It's for this band he's in called Twenty One Pilots. They're a pretty big band actually. What sucks is he's going on tour soon. And he was on hiatus for over a year, so he couldn't post on social media for a whole YEAR. I wouldn't last a week.

Anyways, josh and I have a date before he goes on tour soon, so I need to get ready.

I hop in the shower and get in a change of clothes. A button up from hot topic, where I work now, black skinny jeans, and black and white vans.

"Josh!" I yell down the staircase. "Where the hell are you?"

I heard some stirring around "hmm? What?"

"You were asleep weren't you?" I said jogging down the stairs.

"Mmm, maybe" he laughed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"You look real cute" I say, kissing his forehead.

"You're cuter" He pecked my lips, I smirked.

"Better get ready before they cancel our reservations" I pat his back motioning for him to get the fuck up.

"I'll be down in a few"

"K" I pick up my phone, looking through my Instagram feed. I grunt, throwing my phone across the couch from boredom and annoyance at other people.

I grab the tv remote and turn it on the news, also grabbing my phone again because I'm a little bitch.

"Let's see what else this orange is doing to our country" I roll my eyes again, laughing at my own comment.

"It has been said that a felon known as Dallon Weekes has made his prison escape, along with some other inmates from the local prison. Policeman recommend staying away from downtown Columbus, where most victims have been affected by this criminal. Please, lock your doors and windows, and take extra precaution if he may know where you're living at. And remember, call 911 if you feel any suspicion whatsoever."

My heart dropped, and so did my phone. I look down at my still unlocked phone, it's cracked.

"Shit. Double shit. Fucking triple shit!" I scream.

"You okay b?" Josh yells

"Uhm, no. No not really." Josh came down the stairs, buttoning his shirt.

"I...I don't think we should go out tonight. I'm really sorry, but I just got really, really bad news."

"How bad" he walked closer to me.

"Really, fucking, bad."

"What is it? What happened"

"Dallon is a free man, well. For now. He escaped, and no one knows where he is. Josh, I'm scared."

Josh pulled me into a hug. "I promise you, he's not going to be anywhere near you ever again. You filed a restraining order remember? He won't come after you, and you have me. I'll beat his ass."

"How can you promise something like that? You think a man that has escaped prison is going to just leave me alone over a piece of fucking paper? I'm sorry but if you actually believe that, you're insane. No, no! He's fully capable of murdering someone. If I hadn't gotten away from him as fast as I did, I would've been a dead man. Dead."

I realized I was yelling and crying at the same time.

"Brendon, Brendon please!" Josh put his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down!"

I took a deep breath, in, and out.

It's okay Brendon, you're okay. You're okay. You're okay. It's all okay.

"That's better, now, let's go up stairs and lay down. We don't have to go to dinner, hell we're late anyways. I'll go lock the doors and meet you up there."

I sniffled and nodded, walking up the stairs.

I collapsed onto the bed and closed my eyes, relaxing myself as best as I could.

I started to doze off until Josh's footsteps woke me up.

"Did I wake you?" He asked walking into the room.

"No." I lied "Let's cuddle and watch the Wizard of Oz. Then we can watch Up, and then find a Netflix series or something."

"Okay, anything for you" He smiled, giving me a warm, passionate kiss.

I pulled him off of me to signal him to stop, god I love being such a tease sometimes. I giggled.

"What are you laughing at?" He smiled, giggling as well.

"I don't know" I started uncontrollably laughing, losing my shit for no reason.

"Brendon what the fuck?" Josh was laughing now too. "Why are we laughing?"

"I don't...I don't know" I say in-between my laughs.

"I don't know about you man" he chuckled and turned on the Wizard of Oz.

After I calmed myself down, I changed into pajamas, josh did the same.

I climbed back into bed, cuddling up next to josh. I wrapped my legs around him, and rested my head in his neck.

"I love you" josh says un-hesitantly.

I look into is dark, mocha brown eyes. "I love you too" I smile, he returns the smile.

"More than you know" I mumbled, sighing.

"What?" Josh asked.

"Nothing, no worries" I rested my head back into his neck and drifted off into some much needed sleep.

Yoooo fam I'm back. I'm so very sorry this whole story is v v v v v cringey. Please forgive me😂

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