Chapter Six: WHATS WITH HIM?

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Loki led me to the banquet hall, where there was a celebration going on. Thor's birthday. Everyone was handing him presents of all kinds: armour, weapons and robes. He looked a little drunk, but not as much as my father does every night.

"Loki!" Thor boomed.

"Who is this beautiful woman you have brought?" The woman next to him rolled her eyes and put her head in her hands.

"You remember April?" Loki asks.

"Of course I do! Welcome back to Asgard!" Thor bellowed, and winked at me. The blonde haired man who sat opposite Thor turned around and walked over to me and Loki.

"Hello, why aren't you a beautiful maiden?" He flirts to me, I blush at this. But then he holds my hand and kisses it gently. I blush even more, my face burning. Loki puts his arm around my waist and pulls me away into a quiet corner of the room.

"Why did you do that for!" I whispered.

"April he was-" Loki was interrupted by brunette, her hair was tied back and she wore a lot of armour.

"Hi, you must be April! Loki used to talk about you all the time when he was a child. My names Sif by the way," I  looked up at Loki he held his head down, to hide his embarrassed red face.

"Sif! Come and join us!" You here the blonde man yell.

"Sorry you will have to excuse me, Fandral wants me." Sif walked back over to the feast and started talking to him.

"What were you saying?" I ask Loki trying to finish our interrupted conversation,

"It doesn't matter, you can talk to whoever you like." He said trying to lead me out.

"Seriously Loki what's the matter?" I asked starting to get concerned.

"Just forget about it, ok." He says shaking his head. You nod as he leads you out of the hall.

"Let me show you your chambers." He smiles and leads me down the corridor.

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