Chapter Twelve: FINING A DATE

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My eyes fluttered open, yesterday was a blur. I smiled and tried to move but two muscular arms stopped me.

"Were do you think your going?" Loki asked with a yawn still half asleep.

"To find a date." I say and try to wiggle out but his grip tightens.

"But I though we were together." He sighs and I turn around so I'm facing him. He pouts and pulls my even closer.

"Loki, you know what I mean." I raise my eyebrow at him. He kisses me then let's go of me. Pulling one of the covers off him I wrap it around me and walk over to were my clothes were. Well the different places around the room where they were scattered. I decided to mess with Loki, so I walked over to the bottom of the bed and dropped the cover off me. I was now naked in front of him. I look up at Loki to see him sit up and watch as I pull my jeans on and pull my shirt on. I buttoned them up half way and went over to my boots and pulled the on.

"Your not going out like that?" He gestures to my shirt.

"Yes I am." I tell him firmly with a smile.

"But men are going to stare." He complains.

"That's my aim, how else am I going to get a date?" I say.

"I don't know, but please don't go out like that." He pleads and makes his puppy dog eyes. I sigh and button my shirt up completely.

"Better?" I ask and he nods.

"See you at the celebration tonight." I say to him as I leave. I walk down the corridors and a lot of warriors and wealthy men pass by, they don't even glance at me. 'Why does Loki even love me?' I thought as I made my way to the garden. I look around and at the stables I see Loki. He must of used his magic again. He was chatting to one of the stable girls. I see him smile, well fake smile and kiss her hand. I look away and made my way inside, 'I don't need a date.' I say to myself. Walking towards my chambers I see Fandral outside my door. I gulp, I definitely didn't want to with him so I turned back around and went the longer way around. When I finally reach my chambers again there is a brown parcel outside my door, which was labelled 'To April'. Picking up the parcel I turned the label over 'from Loki' it read, I smiled and walked into my room. I rip open the parcel and hold the present up, my mouth drops and my eyes widen. Its a dress. The most amazing one I have ever seen before. It is a deep green, strapless, pleated and mid length dress. He wants me to wear this tonight, doesn't he. Looking at the time I see that I've got one hour to get ready.

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