Chapter Eight: THE TRUTH

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An hour or so later the was a gentle knock on my door. I sighed and got up to answer it, walking over to the door I opened it.

"Loki?" I said a little shocked. Well who else was it going to be!

"I just want to say welcome back." He smiled and held out a vase of flowers. In fact the exact same ones I saw him with earlier. I smiled to my self and took them into my arms.

"Thank you so much Loki!" I tell him happily and make my way over to my desk. I place the vase down and go back over to the door were Loki was stood. He smiled back and took my hand.

"Come." He says making me melt. I couldn't resist. I know I've only just come back to Asgard but seeing Loki, I think I'm in love! He pulls me down corridors after corridors and then outside. As he heads down to the garden, I stop.

"Why are we here?" I ask and put my one hand on my hip and raise an eyebrow at him.

"You'll see." He says, he trademark smirk painted across his face. He takes my hand again and I follow him down to a small stream at the bottom of a hill. I smiled to my self, we used to go here all the time as children. I watched as Loki lay down on the grass and I went over and joined him. I lay down next to him and turned so I was on my side, I rested my head in my hand.

"April?" Loki turned his head so he was looking at me.

"Hmmm." I said getting lost in his bright green eyes. He shuffled closer to me.

"I - I think I - love you." Loki says with beaming smile. I looked at him shocked, how could a prince or even a god love me but I felt the same! I smiled back.

"I think I love you too!" I tell him. His smile suddenly turns into one of his smirks again. He places his hands on my waist and pulls me on top of him, making me giggle. I lean my head and one of my hands on his chest. I could feel his heart beating quite quickly. We lay there for hours.

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