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I stepped in to my chambers, Loki told me to call for him if I needed anything. But now I was alone, I liked it this way. I never hardly talked to anyone back home, except my brother and Phoenix. I looking around my room I could see that the room was quite large. I had a queen sized bed, to my left, with paper white sheets neatly set on top. I had a medium sized balcony ahead of me which looked over most of Asgard. To my right was a small kitchen area with two stool chairs. Finally the was also a door to my right that leads to a fairly sized bathroom.

I walk over to the bed and flop my self on it. I close my eyes and recall my events from today. Came to Asgard.

Knocked out some guards.

Broke into the palace.

Find my self in Loki's chambers. Teleport to the forest.

Find Loki.

Go and see Odin the liar.

Meet Thor again.

Meet Fandral and he flirted.

Loki gets jealous. WAIT! What! Loki's jealous? Naww! He's just over protective...

Meet sif.

Loki gets embarrassed.

We leave and now I'm here! Well today has been a long day. I decided to go out onto the balcony, I walked out to find a sun chair and a small table. The balcony view over looked the stone layered courtyard and beautiful Asgard gardens. The sky was full of bright and faint stars, even in the day. I smiled and sat on the wall, I glanced down at the 25 meter drop below. I smiled as I saw Loki wandering back to the palace, he must have gone to the garden. Wait. Is he holding a bunch of lilies? They are my favourites. Humm.

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