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It was a hazy spring day in Niskayuna, New York the day that Paxton and Peyton's life changed."Paxton get out of that tree! You are gonna get hurt!" 15 year old Peyton Brey scolded at her twin. Paxton rolled his eyes at her, cursing something about little sisters. Well, little sister by eight minutes. "I have to prove to you that I can do a triple backflip and stick the landing perfectly!" Paxton responded.

"From a 20 foot tree? We have to go home Pax."

Just then, Paxton turned his back on his sister and stepped backwards off of the branch. He kicked his heels back and started to flip. Peyton watched with a small curl of her mouth, remembering years of jumping out of their second story window and doing flips with her brother. They tried doing that in London when they went to go visit their mom and dad's friends who they called aunt Tessa and uncle James. Aunt Tessa caught them climbing on the roof, screeching how they would get hurt. But the funny thing was, they never got hurt.

Peyton snapped out of her randevou as her brother, like he said, landed perfectly and lightly on his feet. "Told you so Pey." Paxton smirked.

"You know," Peyton said. "I can do that to."

"Yeah, but you didn't." Paxton stuck his tongue out. Peyton showed him an inappropriate hand gesture, but Paxton just kept on walking to the bus stop to take them home. As always, Peyton followed after her twin.

People always asked if Paxton and Peyton were really twins. Paxton had taken after his father, resemblance wise with his chocolate brown curly hair, same body structure.While Peyton had taken after her mother with her blonde hair and stubborn face and personality. However, they both shared one dark blue eye and one light brown eye with flecks of gold in the irises. They had just gotten off of the bus and were a few blocks from their house when someone said something that put both of them off. There was someone who made a comment about how "they look exactly like their parents". Paxton caught a quick glimpse of him, and felt like every nerve in his body was telling him to run with Peyton. The man looked no older than 30, had white hair and purple eyes that seemed to pierce Paxton's soul. "Pax? Are you okay?" Peyton whispered in his ear. Paxton nodded, but Paxton still continued to stare at the mysterious man. Paxton turned to his sister. "Did you see that man?" Paxton asked. "Yeah," Peyton nodded. "He was giving me some weird vibes. But it is New York, people are weird. What are you gonna do about it?" Paxton shrugged his shoulders. "I'm the oldest, why did you get all the wise stuff?"

"Because even though you look like dad, I inherited his personality. You inherited mom's 'act now, consequences later' personality." Peyton said.

They had reached their house. Paxton dug into his pocket a took out a house key. He put the key into the lock and jiggled it.

"I'm still older."

"Eight minutes Pax. Open the door."

Paxton's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion "I'm trying." he said. Peyton pushed him aside and jerked the key out and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Peyton then noticed the broken bay window, where she would always sit and draw with her colored pencils. Peyton motioned for Paxton to follow her through the window, their shoes crunching the broken glass. Peyton, without even thinking, grabbed the side of the broken window which was jagged with broken glass. Peyton felt a sharp pain in her right hand when Paxton cringed an ouch, but he didn't have a gash on his hand like Peyton did. This wasn't peculiar to either of them. If one of them had gotten a paper cut, the other one felt it. If one of them was sick, the other was sick as well. Paxton remembered when him and Peyton were sick with the flu, and he overheard a conversation between his parents sounding so concerned.

"Julian, it could be because of the bond! We have to call someone, anyone! People are going to find out than find out about everything!" his mom cried. He then heard his father's warm voice calming her down in a way Paxton and Peyton never could.

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