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Dara stormed in the headquarters "where is he?" her voice boomed through the entire room. She was beyond furious and lack of sleep to mind how bizarre she was looking. All the guys who were present in the room stared back at her and exchanged look among themselves. They all tried to avoid making eye contact and spread around like a bunch of chickens.

No need for the introduction of Jiyong's girlfriend. Dara was like an everyday visitor to the headquarters and even everyone liked her. With her presence, everything looked normal. And the way she talks back to their boss, respect for her increased among the members. They get the chance to hang out with someone different from their line of work and seeing her always made them smile forgetting their entire 'fight and kill' motto.

Her innocence and laugh would literally turn the whole place with flowers and butterflies, but today was little different, she was walking around with fire around her; face with 'no shit' written on it. Dara stretched her neck to its fullest to spot that particular face but no, he wasn't there, 'Jiyong, now you ignore me' she thought. 'He really had the guts to break up with me on a text and didn't even have the courtesy to face me.' She felt lost, abounded.

Just yesterday night she received the text from him after she came out from the shower; wanting to break up. At first, she thought that he was teasing her about her little whining earlier day but that can't be the reason, it doesn't make sense. After that when she called back his phone was turned off. She tried again and again but nothing came; the entire night she pulled off assuring herself 'something must have gone wrong, or he mistakenly sent the text, or someone pranked her using his phone.' After frying her head the whole night; she decided to directly talk to him face-to-face. What happened, they had a small quarrel but that wasn't too serious, yeah she mentioned about the Jeju incident but she was only teasing him.

She ran around checking each and every place, conference room, gym, basement, every door she opened she was greeted with disappointment, Jiyong was nowhere to fond. Upon giving up, She slumped down on her knees, tears streaming down her face, now even the last words "why Jiyong, why are you torturing me like this" she mumbled. What went wrong? It was going on smoothly after the incident; she made sure that it won't affect them but then why.

Jiyong was in his car watching the footage of Dara's shaking back in his car. He is really hiding from her; with a sigh, he threw the tab on beside his chair; starting up his car in with roar he dashes out, running the car at full speed. He couldn't even describe what he was feeling right now. No one would possibly think his decision as a valid one and he doesn't care either, what matters most is his Dara will be safe from harm, from him. no matter how cliché it sounds or how dramatic the situation is, he won't want to take any chance with her life. 'Yes, he is scared; the great Kwon Jiyong is scared of losing his girlfriend'. Actually he wanted to think about it for some more time but don't know what suddenly got into him. 'Maybe it's the 'regret' stage.'

Daesung who was quietly sitting beside him turned over at his friends, all exchanged look with each other as if pointing at each other to break the ice. He grabbed the handle above his head with all strength; the way he was driving, the last stop is going to be the hospital.

Seunghyun left a sigh, everyone in the company was shocked to hear about their break up; knowing that how they were so in love with each other and how Jiyong treated Dara as his first priority, they never imagined it to be turn out this way. But Seunghyun out of all knew where he is coming from; he doesn't actually blame him to make the decision, putting himself in that place, the thought was inevitable. They both had talked this over a beer, another day, Jiyong asked for his opinion as a big brother and his previous experience he said he would support Jiyong with whatever the final decision he would take.

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