An Escort

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Dara was out in the club dining serving food and drinks in her high heels and knee-length black waitress dress, she was so good at it that now she could manage drinks tray in one hand and food with others. She moved so smoothly from one table to another, smiling at everyone she made eye contact with.

Dara is rated as a star employee of the YG club; with only working for a few months, she was quick to adapt to the new environment. She would hold up a conversation with the customers pretty easily. Despite some odds, she liked the place. It makes her hype up with the crowd. And who doesn't like the music that makes you bounce?. The dining was separated from the dance area by a soundproof wall with the door for people to enter in or out; the club was pretty big and had many sections in it even she wasn't aware of. Though she never saw the dance floor she have heard from people talking while serving them it's a must experience!!

And that made her curious to visit herself but she never got the chance. Well, it's not like she is quitting her job or something there would be plenty of occasions in the future.

It's been six months only that she started working with them. It was a sudden decision of working in a club, of course not the place she wanted and saw herself working for but Six months she spends here was kind of helped her with money as well as to distract her from that jerk Jiyong. She wanted to get away from that place and start anew; so contemplating for an hour she left her job, her home, and came here in Incheon.

It was passed 11:30 something, just the time of their high hours. The club stays open till 4 AM but the crowd gets less in the dining and move to the dance area. After 2-3 people start to collapse on the floor or couches or wherever; too drunk to keep their eyes open to find a comfortable place. Their club is not so fancy and only limited people know about it, and I can say that is an advantage because it means less drunken bodies spread around the place, less vomiting, and misbehaving.

After getting the last order, she took a break of 10 minutes and takes rest in the staff's break room. She lay down on one of the three mattresses. Glad that she was alone at a time, 10 minutes of peace.

She was scrolling through her phone 'no message, no calls' the usual, what was she expecting, threw her phone in her bag; after taking a sip of water, she lay down on her stomach; supporting her head with folded arms, eyes closed, already feeling sleepy.

"Dara, Dara" mina ran to her holding a locker key. Dara eyed her panicked face sensing that there must be some 'favor' she wants from her, Dara turned her face opposite direction, "oh Dara, can you be Hostesses for VIP room" she said hurriedly. Sweat was running down her forehead must be from running around searching for her.

Oh no, no no she is so not going to step in, in that torture room. She'll really die from awkwardness and 'after' embarrassment; shaking her head she stood up taking a couple of steps away from mina. Just a minute of silence, that's what she wanted and with her buzzing continuously in her ear that's way too impossible.

Mina is the daughter of club managers and also her friend (don't know why), A year older than her but her brain stopped growing after 5. special power is- can hypnotize even a healthy horse with her sweet talk and puppy eyes. No one and no one can win over her; maybe that's why she was here in her father's place.

"aahhh Dara~~~ don't do this please, Sohyung was supposed to be there but she didn't came today and this meeting came out of nowhere" she poured all her sadness in those words. "I don't know what to do.....please....hmm"

"why don't you be the escort today," Dara said trying not to meet eyes with her and busying herself fumbling through her locker.

"you know I can't. I have to look in the kitchen and the counter also" Dara left a sigh "I'll give extra pay for this, promise" she holds up her picky finger

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