Are you serious??

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He casually headed to her bed, adjusting her pillow and mattress in place while ignoring jaw dropped Dara sticking to her place. is he planning a sleepover at her place? no way, Her place is too small for two people. Her bed was smaller even for her. What the hell is he thinking? She stomped her way to him. her room was like a single room; there were no walls to divide the kitchen or bedroom. It was small but it felt comfortable; less rent, near her workplace that's the perfect definition of a perfect apartment.

"YA, you can't sleep here, my place is already small as it is" she snatched the pillow away just when he was about to lay on it.

He laughed out at her annoyed face and sat down on edge of the bed "then let's go at my place"

"never" she huffed crossing her hands.

"then come here" he lay back down supporting his head with his hand and turned sideways to give her some space.

Just like a piece of the fine expensive stake he was deliciously presented in front of her. but just like someone from her background who had never tasted such delight was trying to pinch out the tempting thoughts out of her head. She knew exactly what he was doing. Using his old trick to lure her out of her 'I'm mad at you' mood. As expected of a mafia boss; he knows all your weakness in a second.

Dara crossed her hands in front of her; her weak heart was beating faster than a mouse's but she will not bow down; at least not in an instant.

He noticed the resistance in her and the devil pulled out his master card. "as your wish" he took both his hands under is head making his shirt lifted up showing off his fine v line.

She gulps down the dripping saliva; he obviously enjoying her flushed moment. "Jiyong" she whined at him, with her congested bed she can hardly keep any space in between them, which is most dangerous for her but it'll be hard to stay strong to her word with his demanding presence.

"come here," he said again this time with no humor making her go weak on her knees. She pouted but still made her way to him hiding the butterflies in her stomach. As soon as she lay down on his arm he pulled her close on his body crushing her. Dara tried to wiggle out but he just couldn't budge, finally leaving a sigh of giving up. she buried her head on his chest while playing with the buttons of his shirt. She is just too stubborn to accept how much he had an effect on her heart and body.

His warm breath fanned her neck making her stiffen in her place as she sensed him move close to her neck. Her eyes widened when he licked her sensitive part and gave a hard bite. Naively a moan left her lips to his delight. her back arched automatically, pressing herself on him.

Her body and heart were acting weird since the time he walked into that club. Even though how hard she tried to resist the effect. It was like her past self was getting over her body, the one who jumped around him like a loyal dog. Maybe she had already forgiven him even before he could apologize.

"don't leave me dara.. Please" his raspy voice broke her train of thoughts, she tried to pull away but he kept her in place, not wanting her to notice his vulnerable state.

"I'll die, Dara, I almost did, if I didn't saw you today -" he stopped finding it hard to continue.

Closed eyes he just stayed still, finally having her in his arms were like a medicine to cure his aching hart. He doesn't care anymore what others think, that the so-called powerful, ruthless mob boss turned into a whiny clingy boyfriend. He had maintained his aura around all the traits never showing off his weaknesses even her.

The entire year was like a mountain weight he was carrying around. He had done everything took the hardest decisions to keep her safe but never in his dreams had he thought of losing her because of it. he had always thought of her as his own weakness; thought that she would be protected if not for their relationship.

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