"After break up" Part 2

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She saw him heading to her bedroom, is he planning a sleepover at her place. no way. Her place is too small for two people. Her bead was smaller even for her. what the hell is he thinking? She almost ran to him; her bedroom was joined to the leaving room there was no wall to separate the rooms. "YA, you can't sleep here, my place is already small as it is" she said hands on her waist as the guy was already placing the cushions in its place.

He faced her and sat down on the edge of the bed "then let's go at my place"

"never" she huffed crossing her hands.

"then come here" he lay down on his side, hand-stretched out and tapping the place beside him. oh how much she wanted to coo and cling on him.

"Jiyong" she whined at him, It'll be really uncomfortable to sleep on that congested place even if she wanted to stick to him like a cola; she is not planning to show her weak side.

let's see how long you last. Her subconscious mind remarked.

"come here" he said again making her weak. She pouted and stomped her way to him hiding the butterflies in her stomach. As soon as she lay down on his arm he pulled her on his body crushing her. Dara tried to wiggle out but he just couldn't budge, leaving a sigh she gave up, burring her head on his chest while playing with the buttons of his shirt. She is just too stubborn to accept how much he had an effect on her heart and body.

The warm breath fanned her neck making her stiffen in her place as she sensed him move close to her neck. Her eyes widened when he licked her sensitive part and gave a hard bite. She back arched automatically, pressing herself on him.

Her body and heart were acting weird since the time he walked into that club. Even though how hard she tried to resist the effect. It was like her past self was getting over her body, the one who jumped around him like a loyal dog. He had hurt you before how can you let him in again. Without any explanation.

As if on trance she pushed him hard but only managed to get as much as to meet his eyes; He kept his hand around her firm. Even dare to pull her back on him.

And that made her lose her head, does he thinks just because he saved her like a knight and some intense kissing he can win over her. no way boy.

She wiggled furiously but stiffed in between her fight when his painful voice rang in her ears, almost tearing her heart,

"Please, don't leave me Dara" he caressed her back as if trying to persuade her.

Oh, Jiyong.

"I'll die, Dara, I almost did, if I didn't saw you today" he stooped finding it hard to continue.

Dara couldn't help but smile. She was somewhat glad, it was like he felt the same as her; the pain of separation. But also hurt upon seeing his pain, he always had covered his emotions not letting anyone in, even her. she caressed his face with both hands. She knew she was getting giddy but decided to not disregard these feelings in her.

"I'm not going anywhere" she pressed her lips lightly on his and drew back but Jiyong sneaked his hand on her waist and other on the back of her head, devouring her in a passionate kiss. He pushed her further to deepening the kiss. It was hunger that took over him, desire for her; How much he longed for her, no one and no one can take her place.

She pulled back first, out of breath. Staring at each other taking they have met for the first time. Silence surrounded them, no word was spoken. Indeed, their relationship has grown more complicated and at the same time more deeply.

But at the time she wanted to get as much as comfort as she can, from him. coz tomorrow he sure gonna eat her alive.

So much to ruin the atmosphere.

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