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Dara POV

"We are waiting for boss, he is on his way" Even though the door was closed, it was definitely not the soundproof. The moment she stepped into the room they locked the door from outside. Dara sat there on an old bed, which creeks every time she moved. The mattress was dark red in color but it was clearly showing out how long it's been it was last washed. There were stains, stitches marks, even the cousins weren't anything better, and there were no windows to at least distract her or for maybe the escape.

The room was giving off an odd smell, torn wallpapers, dirty floor, all in all not exactly a place she wants to spend the night and listening to how she enjoying the merry ride.

She thought back at how she got in this situation. She was just walked out of school, after preparing some reports for tomorrow's class. Shifting her bags in one hand she pulled out her phone, no calls. With a sigh, she placed it back inside her pocket. She was expecting Jiyong would call her back, but maybe he is too busy to listen to her whining all day. He never even thought of calling her telling that he has reached safely but the man has an ego of his height.

She was walking down the slope, still in thoughts that she failed to notice a black SUV was parked there with a man eying her while taking a puff. Just when she was about to pass by when he caught her off guard that she couldn't do anything for her defense. He placed duck tape on her mouth and pushed her inside the car, where one other guy was already there to tape down her hands. The car started to move and that's when it hit her she is going to either get killed in a dark alley or getting raped and both the situations were equally terrifying. Still, she tried to elbow the guy next to her but he must have sensed it because he pushed her in between the seats. She was now lying down on the car floor, it was dark and smelly as hell, there was no chance to remember the route as in her vision she could only see the guy's left profile 'not so fascinating' ...and the blue sky.

she kept quiet for a while thinking about something; when noticing that no one has their attention on her, she flipped her leg up to directing at his nose. Well, I didn't actually hit his nose but on his chin, probably bite his own tongue. Grabbing the chance, since he was busy growing in pain, she reached for the door, tried to open it but it was a lock, tried again but still, it didn't budge. She glances over at the guy and he was caressing his chin while glaring at her. The last she remembers was he raised his hand and she felt the horrible pain on her cheek before she passed out; she heard one of them saying not to hurt her boss wouldn't like it or something.

And in the next thing, she was in this room lying on the bed. All these days she was in the Misconception that she is a strong girl and whatever the situation is she can handle it on her own, 'I mean there are CCTV's nowadays, you can call cops immediately' but in reality none of this theories or planning work. She was desperately calling for Jiyong, "he doesn't even know what happened" she mumbled placing her head on her knees. What if he calls her and her phone was turned off. She would probably be dead till he find out.

A click of the door disturbed her from her thoughts; a young man entered in, she supposed it was the boss they mentioned a while ago. She starlet when he closed the door behind him, pulling herself in a ball. He was young, handsome, if she would have seen him in a different situation she might have had admired his beauty but now her mind was detecting his face with a big danger sign.

Dara watched his lips turned upwards in amusement seeing her shiver. He pulled a chair beside the bed and sat down making Dara scuttling away from his reach, who knows what he'll do.

Suddenly, his amused smile turned into a frown, and that made her even more scared, psycho. She was alone in the room with a freak stranger, even if she tries for an escape she can't even make it till the door, he seems more capable of holding her down with one hand.

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