"after break-up" couple (part 1)

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She was so busy scolding herself, ranting on and thinking about how to regain her lost pride that she didn't notice the guy beside her Minjae, was increasing his advances. His lips turned up like he just won another lottery. He was noticing his boss, the great mafia leader who was finding it hard to take his eyes off of the sweet candy beside him from the moment he set a foot inside. There was really something going on there too. He finally found a weakness of the vicious mobster.

He snorts and placed his empty glass down; his eyes fixed on Jiyong. he squeezed the girl's arm with his; making the poor girl jump in fright. He almost laughed out noticing how Jiyong straightens, turning his murderous eyes on him. He knew that he was playing with a mad dragon but he wasn't s done maybe the excessive alcohol has increased his competitive spirit.

As Dara bend forward to pour the drink in his glass he sneaked his hand down to her waist so when she leaned back he grabbed her waist and pulled her up on his lap. Dara left a loud shriek and tried wiggling out of his grip but the guy only tightens his hold on her.

"ahh~ don't move, your rubbing on my junior" he moans and said out loud only enough for Jiyong to hear and laughed when he saw him stiffen on his place.


Dara stilled on her place, she was beyond horrified. Not even daring to move her eyes to see if people around her notice her loud cry that just left her lips or anyone was making any attempt to save her from this torture. She was having a hard time breathing; her face losing its color out of shock. The entire room turned mute; she didn't even flinch when the other girl with her dash out while screaming her lungs out.

she felt the guy pressing his erection against her, and a tear dropped on her lap. Suddenly her eyes zeroed on the half-empty bottle placed on a table, trying hard to steadying her shaking hands she was about to reach for if and smash the life out of this Minjae guy. But she never got to get that satisfaction when a big hand tugs her upper arm and hiding her behind his broad back.

With the familiar smell relaxed her a bit; she clenched a fistful of his shirt, holding on to it as if he would disappear any second. And looked down at his left hand which had a firm grip on her wrist; her hand looked so small on his hold.  Jiyong; how much she missed this, the warmth of his body against him thought she'll never feel again. His body was tensed; still holding his gun at the dead figure sprawl on the ground. she felt his high breaths and wanted to help him get rid of the pain for him. she pressed her cheeks on his back, rubbing his extended arm.

After a while, she felt him relax against her; and turned around to face her. his eyes were painfully red as if he was holding back the pile of emotions and it hurt her, seeing the man who never failed to hid his pain away was now standing In front of her looking so vulnerable. She gave a small smiled to his as he took her face his hand rubbing his thumb against her cheeks; his eyes were searching her face to look for any sight of fear or hurt.

Dara closed their distance and hugged him, nudging her head in his chest; urging him to hug her back, to which he immediately responded and pulled her close to his chest and buried his head in the crook of her neck; his hot breath fanning her sensitive spot making her weak on her legs. They stayed like that for more than a minute; the missing part from both of them was now completed their souls.


After barking orders at his men he literally dragged Dara towards their car. Dara tried to pull her hand back or lose his grip but the guys gave her a stern glare stopping her fightbacks and follow him with a dejected pout. After they walked out of the scene his attitude took all hundred and eighty-degree turns; just when she was getting all giddy with his concern and sweet gestures.

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