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Bambam walks down the street and admires the glowing lights of the night city. He wants a break, wants to find. A special someone, but most important, wants peace and quiet. One of his hands holds a cup of coffee, the other buried deep in the pocket of his sweatpants.

He hums, gently swaying his head as he watches a couple walk hand-in-hand with envy evident in his eyes. After some time, he turns his head elsewhere and spots a park.

Without a second thought, he heads straight to it. As he's approaching, his eyes fall on a couple that stand by the vendor and buy food. "What a life I have." He sighs and looks away. He's flabbergasted when a figure catches his attention.

Thinking he's hallucinating, he rubs his tired eyes but no. There really was someone running at him. Before he could think, the figure jumps onto him and out of instinct, he drops the coffee and holds the unknown person.

"Hi, Jagi!" The woman forces a smile and her body trembles in his grip. Bambam is speechless, and wondering why a woman was embracing him. "Excuse me? I think you mistook me for someone else." He tries to pry the woman's arms away but the woman stubbornly shakes her head, tightening her grip.

"Please pretend to be my boyfriend! Someone is following me," she whispers in hopes he'd give in but it made the situation worse.

"I am not ready to die, miss. Please let go of me!" He panics but even his grip isn't strong enough for her death-like grip. "You have nothing to worry about. He won't do anything to you," the woman says.

"Y/n!" Bambam feels her flinch and a whimper even comes out of her lips. She buries her face in the crook of his neck. Bambam looks around, intending to run away any second now but the sight of an unpresentable man appears, wilted flowers in their hands.

Woah. He felt bad and thus, decided to play along. "Let's go home, baby." He says in a fake cheerful tone. He carries the woman away and passes the man who eyes him suspiciously. As he walks far enough to not be seen, he sighs.

"Hey! You two!" The guy suddenly runs up to the pair. Bambam flinches but continues his walk, pretending not to hear him. The woman tightens her grip and apologizes when Bambam flinches, again.

"I'm speaking to you, skinny stick!"

"Don't feel scared. He won't do anything to you," she whispers, her breath tickling his neck. Bambam tilts his head away from her. "Fine."

He continues to walk with a fast beating heart as the man gets closer and closer to them. Almost reaching the busy streets (where one would get lost from the huge crowd) a sigh of relief passed their lips when a hand pressed down onto his left shoulder pulling him back. Startled, Bambam turns around to see the man panting.

Bambam clears his throat trying not to sound nervous. "Do you need something?"

The man nods, holding up a single finger for him to wait. Few seconds later, he's breathing much better and points an accusing finger at Bambam with a glare. "You! Why are you taking my girlfriend? Are you trying to kidnap her!?" he yells, catching the attention of a few people passing by. "H-Huh?"

"Her." He points at Y/n. Bambam inwardly sighs, feeling agitated by the thought of having to fight with a random stranger over a random woman. "Sir, this is my girlfriend. Now, if you'll excuse me we have a home we need to go to."

He turns on his heel ready to walk away from him. "Lies! You don't even know who she is!" The man yanks Bambam back. A headache was starting to make its way into Bambam's head.

I only wanted peace and quiet. "She's my girlfriend. Of course I know her." Bambam replies back, jumping a bit to lift Y/n more up. "Prove it!" Y/n raises her head a bit to his ear, whispering things for Bambam to say.

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