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The Dark Room

Warning(s): abuse (not directed towards mark/reader).


"Mark invited us to hangout with him, the boys and girls. Wanna come?" Jay asks, her eyes silently pleading you to say yes. You blink at her and think about it.

The offer doesn't sound bad at all. It could possibly help me relax a bit more now that exams are over. Besides, what could possibly go wrong?

"Sure, what time are we meeting up?" Jay taps her chin, racking through her brain trying to remember the time he had told her. "Ah, around five. We'll be meeting them in the commons room. Mark told me to tell you to wear something warm. It's really cold outside."

The mention of Mark saying that actually surprised you. He wasn't necessarily one to care for others like that but everyone, including you, knew he had a soft spot for you. You just didn't necessarily want to fully believe that.

"Okay. By the way, what will we be doing? Are we just going to hangout?" You ask, pulling your phone out to find a song to play. Jay reaches for a gummy from the package she had bought a few minutes ago and throws it into her mouth.

"We'll be buying some food and telling scary stories! Whoever has the lamest scary story, one girl and one guy, will be going into the dark room. It's said to be the haunted room that's on the top floor of the dorms. No one lives in that area because of the room."

You raise an eyebrow and turn to look at her, "and that's a good idea?"

Jay pouts and places her chin above her propped arm, "you always spoil my fun!"

"That's not my intention, you know. I'm trying to stay safe, Jay." Jay blows you a raspberry and picks up her items when the bell rings. "Come on, let's go pick out our outfits before we have to meet up with the rest of them."

You sigh and follow behind her.

Is this really a good idea?


"and Y/n and Mark lose!" everyone cheers, clinking their nonalcoholic drinks in union before chugging it down in one go. Glass slam onto the table as everyone sighs with lazy grins on their faces.

You and Mark look at each other. Your face showed how nervous you were but his was the total opposite. Is this nothing to be fazed about? Is he not scared? Does he think everything will be fine?

"Come on, Y/n. You can't be stalling when you lose fair and square!" Jay yells and yanks you by the arm to stand up. You stumble, almost falling onto the table but Mark, who was sitting next to you, managed to grab you with his arms.

"Let's just get this over with." he says and let's go of you, spinning around and walking down the hall. You gulp and turn to Jay who wore a smirk on her face. "Do I really have to do this?"

Everyone replies, "yes!" it causes you to let out a huge sigh, feeling Jay and some of the girls push you in the direction Mark left in. "We'll be right behind you. We still have to hand you guys the candle." Jay tries to reassure you but that wasn't enough.

You didn't want to enter the dark room nor did you want to know what was behind those locked doors.

"H-How about doing something else? Hm?" Jay shakes her head and pouts. "Sorry. This is your punishment."


Jay places a finger over your lips indicating for you to be quiet. You purse your lips and reluctantly follow behind Mark's disappearing figure. Every few seconds, you would turn around to see if everyone was following you and they were.

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