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Y/n rambles to her friends about the new guy (who happened to be your partner) being a rude person. With her back facing them, she continues without a halt until she feels a tap on her shoulder.

She jumps and turns around. "I don't think I'm much of a rude person. After all, from what I've heard, you act the same way and treat them the way I supposedly do." There, Mark stood with a blank look on his face.

Y/n feels her blood boil in anger and her hands clench. One of her friends awkwardly clears their throat and says, "I think we should leave you two alone to sort out this misunderstanding." With that, they leave.

Y/n can't help but glare at their retreating backs and turn to the man she swore to never speak nice to. "We have a lot to talk about."

"I have nothing to say to you," she spat and walked away.

You're making this difficult on me, Y/n.


"I really don't want to eat this." Y/n throws the half-eaten salad into the garbage can, ready to run across the street and order Jajangmyeon. "I thought you wanted to lose weight? You kept complaining a few hours ago." Li Hua comments.

"I take that back," she pretends to cry and then proceeds to laugh before running out of the building. "Where is she going?" A voice startles Li Hua. She turned around to see a man and her response was a shrug of the shoulders. Mark rolls his eyes and takes a seat in front of her.

"I have a question." Li Hua raises an eyebrow. "What is it?" Mark doesn't hesitate to ask. "Did Y/n have a secret admirer?" He takes note of her change of expressions in a matter of seconds. Neutral, panic, and back to neutral.

Li Hua was speechless. Her jaw was clenched, eyes furiously glaring at the table. Mark sighs and stands up. "I got my answer." Before he could leave, Li Hua said a few words.

"Don't mess with that man. He's the only one to make her happy after what you did to her." Mark pretends not to hear her and walks away.

I'm sorry.


It was currently nine and almost everyone left. Y/n was working on a few documents for tomorrow's meeting. She was concentrating that she didn't notice her boss approaching her with a few papers. "Y/n?" Her hands that were frantically typing come to a halt. "Oh, good evening, sir. How can I help you?"

She jumps to her feet and bows. "No need to be so formal," he says and chuckles. "Please print copies of them and leave them on my desk when you're done. I have an emergency to take care of."

Y/n takes them and says, "I hope your wife gets better. Don't lose hope, sir." She knew the situation and wanted her boss to be happy. He seemed. . . miserable. "Thank you and enjoy the rest of your night, Y/n."

With that, she goes back to work. However, half way through printing, the lights go off and darkness consumes the room. She could vaguely hear the remaining co-workers ask what's going on.

"Calm down, Y/n. You'll be alright," she whispers, closing her eyes and curling into a ball. Y/n has a fear of darkness. Ever she was young, she could not sleep whenever there wasn't a source of light around.

And what made it worse, where the voices she heard in her head. "Please don't get close to me. . . please." The voices seem to grow louder. She trembles, tears threat to fall, even a whimper comes out of her lips.

The voices were asking questions but she knew if she even tried to reply, they would continue until she couldn't take it anymore.

She learned that the hard way a few years ago.

Mark was looking for a flashlight when Y/n's scream entered his ears. Despite the voices of the co-workers, her's seemed to be the most evident. Abandoning the task to find the flashlight, he ran to her voice and found her in a matter of seconds.

"Calm down. No one can hurt you. Listen to my voice and ignore their voices. They aren't real. They won't do anything to you." He soothes her, holding her close to his body.

Eventually, the voices disappear, the lights come back, and she's left sleeping in his arms.

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you that day.


It's been three months and Y/n's noticed the changes in Mark. He spoke softly, stared at her softly, and treated her delicately. After what happened that day, she couldn't remember a single thing but the lights going off and when she woke up in Mark's guest room.

Her mind kept drifting off but luckily, everyone else was in a meeting letting her free off work for the next couple of hours. "Are you coming, Y/n?" Lu Hua taps her shoulder. Y/n nods and follows behind her group of friends.

Somehow, she became less quiet and it worried her friends. Everyone was eating and halfway through the meal, the television displaying the news came on. "Today, the murder from twenty years ago opens back up-"

Suddenly, all of the friends jump to their feet, frantically yelling to block the voice of the reporter. Li Hua grabs Y/n and drags her out of the cafeteria. "Why did you do that?" Y/n asks, her monotone makes Li Hua flinch.

"N-Nothing. Just wanted to see. . . the fresh new flowers!" She nervously laughs. Y/n frowns, "Li Hua, the flowers are dead."

"I-I meant the birds!" She pulls Y/n out of the building and sits her on the bench. However, she didn't pay enough attention to Y/n and didn't realize she had gone back to the building. It left Li Hua freaking out.


Mark noticed all of Y/n's changes. He knew what was wrong. It was a repetition all over again. He followed behind, from them being in the cafeteria to Li Hua dragging Y/n out of the building.

When Li Hua put her guard down, he followed behind Y/n who went back into the building and went straight to the roof. When he entered the elevator, it was obvious that he was following her but Y/n didn't say a thing.

Once they reached the roof, the went to the edge and looked down as tears trickled down her face. Y/n began to sob into her hands. "Help me, Mark. Please, help me." Mark didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her.

"I promise not to leave you again. I'll help you escape from the hell you're living in. I'll help you remember me. . ."

Your husband.

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