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Requested by: Tiaa3001 [WP]


The sound of sirens crying out loud fill in for the silent night. People screaming, crying and begging can be heard from the fourteenth floor of the unit. You rock back and forth and clutch your hair in fear.

What went wrong? Everyone was having a good time, cheering each other on to show off their skills, participating in mini competitions of who could beat the other in video games, but that person came and ruined it all.

The man that you did not dare call your father anymore.

"Y/n?" a soft, yet weak voice wakes you up from your dream. The blurry vision and puffiness of your eyes makes it hard for you to see the person in front of you. A soft pair of arms touch your shoulders which scare you.

"Please don't cry, it's all over now," the woman says, trying her best to not let out a sob. "Where's my mother?" She doesn't dare answer you.

"Where is my mother?!" You begin to scream and shake your aunt by the shoulder in hopes she would give you an answer.

"I'm so sorry" She finally breaks.

Bang after bang comes from the door as several police officers and paramedics rush in helping the injured and taking away the man at fault.

"What do you mean by that?" you shake in anger and push her away picking yourself up from your hiding place and rush to your mom that laid lifeless on the ground.

"Mom? Mom! Please get up," you cry and yell hoping she would respond. You didn't care that the blood was covering your arms and parts of your clothes.


"Ma'am please calm down, we are trying our best to help her," a man says, pulling you back before placing your mother on the stretcher and taking her away.

Your aunt rushes to you and watches as you break down blaming yourself for everything that has happened.


Exactly ten minutes after the ambulance arrived at the hospital your mother was pronounced dead due to lack of blood from the bullet and a severe blow to the head.

You remember the look everyone that was there gave you and honestly you hated it.

It's been a little over two weeks since you stopped doing what you normally did. Going to college, working at the delicious cafe a few blocks away from your home, even doing things you'd do on a daily basis changed to once a week.

The time spent in your room increased, the amount of money that was used rapidly decreased, and even the amount of time the electricity was used decreased almost entirely.

It felt as if you were living in a dark hole that you couldn't escape.

You lifelessly lie on the couch in the living room and blankly stare at the ceiling. A doorbell sound goes off and it echoes throughout the home.

With the little energy you had, you drag your weak limbs to the door and unlock the door to reveal a man dressed in a big black hoodie and a pair of jeans.

You had never seen this man before.

Fear suddenly emits your body and with swift movements you try to close the door but he blocks it by sticking a foot in.

"Please don't feel scared, I'm only here to give you a few things," he shows you the book bag in his hand. He smiles and lifts his hand up a bit to wave at you.

"You haven't been to class in a while, I got worried and wanted to see if you were okay. I also took this as an opportunity to bring you the material you've been missing. I know you really aren't stable enough to think about any of this but I just wanted to give it a try. I'm Mark Tuan, your partner and seatmate."

The fear slowly disappears at his words. With dull eyes, you step back and let him come in.

Mark did spend a good time sitting in front of you trying his best to explain everything that happened in the past week during the lessons. You could only nod at his words, wishing to stay silent.

Of course, he did not mind but gave you a cheerful smile.

"If you need anything please don't hesitate to contact me, hm?" he hands you his phone number. Right after, he gets up and makes his way to the door with you following close behind.

"You may not know me that well or at all, but just know that I will be here for you whenever you need me."

The moment the door closed behind him, you felt that sense of loneliness fill your entire being once again.

It felt good knowing someone was genuinely willing to be there for you, but you also felt you were just being ridiculous; after all, your family didn't bother to look for you after your mother's death.


"You came," Mark says, surprised to see you back in school so fast. You nod and sit down about to take out the material for the class.

After a while of sitting on the couch after Mark left that day, you began to think a bit. In your mom's eyes, you were strong and you were going to prove it to her.

Of course, that dark abyss you fell into could still be felt, but you push it to the back of your mind.

"If you don't mind, are you willing to help me catch up a bit?" your soft voice was quite beautiful to hear. Mark turns to you and with a grin, he nods. "I am."

Throughout the lesson, you did try your best to pay attention but at times you couldn't help but drift off. In the end, Mark wrote everything down for you. It surprises you how this man, although he doesn't know you that well and vice versa, was very caring towards you and made you feel like close friends. "Are you ready?" you nod and quickly pack up following behind him.

"It's too crowded in the cafeteria, how about going to a small cafe. Unless, you have a class?"

"It doesn't start till past noon, we have about three hours to spare." A crowd of people rush past you two and almost knock you down, but Mark manages to catch you.

"If you don't mind. . ." he points to your wrist; he wants to hold it. You shake your head and let him drag you also making sure you did not bump into anyone else.


After a good nine months, you could say you were almost completely recovering to your old self. At times you do think of your mother, but it didn't take a huge toll on you anymore.

Mark had found out about the whole story, to your dad being a psycho thrown into jail before being transferred to a mental institution and to how you and your mother had lived for years in fear until her last day.

He's been a supportive friend and someone you could lean on. He showed you how to live life again and how to brush those worries away.

In all honesty, you could see the love in his eyes. How he didn't hesitate to help you out in any way no matter the time of the day, how he doted on you in every possible way and you knew he was someone that was willing to protect you for the rest of your life.

You finally found the light out of that abyss. And it was him, Mark.

Your wonderful boyfriend.

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