Chapter 5

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Your POV:

Your screech echoed throughout the zoo, probably traumatizing any nearby birds or animals.

Taehyung was startled to say the least, and jolted at least a foot off the ground. He immediately pounced on you, knocking you to the ground once again, and your panic took over.

"NO!" You yelled at him, and flipped the two of you over so that you were now pinning him down.

His eyes were wide and worried. Tears starting to gather in the corners of his eyes. He had no idea what was going on. You had never acted like this before. But he did know you had just yelled at him.

You didn't notice this, however, you were a woman on a mission. You whipped your jacket off, pressing it to his lower region, (missing the noise he let out as you did) before getting up and jumping away.

You averted your eyes.

"Tae, stand up and tie that around your waist,"


The seconds ticked by, and you finally decided to turn back to him to see what was going on.


He was still lying on the ground, looking shocked out of his mind.

You sighed, realizing he wasn't going to move anytime soon if you didn't go over and snap him out of it.

Slowly, you walked over, getting ready to poke his face.

As soon as you crouched down, however, his hand whipped around and latched around your wrist.

Before you knew it you were back on your back, and you sighed once again. How many times was this going to happen today?

You looked up and met Taehyung's eyes, before immediately freezing.

They weren't the soft, adoring eyes you had witnessed before.

A new glint had taken over them, and they were now dark in a way that made you shiver.

What was going on?

He leaned in close to your ear, lips brushing against the shell as he purred.

"Y/ you have any idea what you've just done?"


Taehyung's POV:

To be honest, while he didn't know the specifics of it, Taehyung knew exactly what was going on.

He'd wished, ever since he was old enough to really comprehend, to become a human like you.

Being a main attraction of the zoo, he saw many types of people pass through.  Families, artists, tourists, but the one that always caught his attention most, were the couples.

He would watch, fascinated, as they walked, holding hands, the occasional peck. Adoring smiles on their faces.

His mind would always wander over to you and your sweet face. The person his life revolved around, and he looked forward to seeing everyday.

He wanted to do that with you.

He couldn't explain it, and his only other friend, Yoongi, thought he was insane.

Yoongi was a cat who had slept in the Taehyung's empty cage before Taehyung was old enough to be put on display there. It was a peaceful, quiet place, perfect for sleeping, and there was no way he was going to give it up.

And even after the tiger took up his rightful place, he still went. The zookeepers used to try and get him out at first, but after realizing Taehyung wouldn't harm him, just let it be, muttering about the stupidly brave cat who had somehow gotten lucky.


"You can't fall in love with a human." Yoongi drawled from his place on the sun rock. "We're completely different species. That's just weird. Pretty sure it's bestiality."

Taehyung wanted to ask what that was, but decided to keep quiet in favor of continuing the conversation about you.

"But, her hands are so soft, and it feels so nice when she pets me. And she tastes really good too!" Tae protested.

Yoongi gave him a weird look. "My owner pets me too. You don't see me falling in love with her. I know my place. I am just a pet. And in a way, you are too. Might as well get used to it." He grumbled, before adjusting his position on the rock.

Taehyung grit his teeth. That wasn't the answer he wanted. There had to be a way, and watching the couples, he knew there was only one.

"I wish I was a human like Y/n." He sighed.

Yoongi was giving him an unreadable look.

There was a silence, before Yoongi finally replied. "You don't want that. And we can't, anyway. It's impossible."

"But-" he protested.

"I'm tired." Yoongi snapped. "Go to sleep."

Taehyung sniffed indignantly but turned away.

"I'll find a way, Y/n, just you wait."



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