Chapter 10

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When Jieun finally came to, she was greeted with the face of some boy inches away from hers.

His eyes were literally right up in her face, wide and unblinking, and she could literally feel his breath on her face. A wide grin spread across his face as he realized she had woke up. "I thought you were dead!" He exclaimed happily.

Jieun stared, the details sinking into her muddled brain. Once she processed what was happening, it was not pleasant.

For either of them.

She immediately screamed, jolting up and whacking her head into the mystery boy's nose in the process.

"Ow!" They both screeched, scrambling to get away from each other.

Jieun ended up falling over the back of the couch, crashing to ground, probably gaining a few bruises in the process.

Taehyung ended up whacking his head on the coffee table, also probably gaining a bruise.

Both lay there, groaning and clutching their individual injuries, when they heard commotion upstairs.

"C'mon Yoongi!" They heard your voice coax. "Just a little harder!"

" No! " a male voice replied. "This is taking too long. I'm tired now."

Jieun sprang up, making eye contact with the unidentified boy before they both rushed upstairs to the source of the voices, which happened to be Jieun's bathroom.

Pressing their ears to the door, they listened carefully for more information.

"Yoongi," your voice was soothing. "Look, you only have one more! And I'll hold here so you don't put accidentally put both in again, okay? Hold onto the counter if you need it to balance."

Why is she talking to my cat? Jieun wondered. And what happened to that pervy intruder who said he was my cat? I completely forgot about him.

Taehyung on the other hand, was bristling. Just what are they doing in there?

His blood ran cold when he heard a panicked squeal come from you, followed by a low moan and a growl.

Time to crash this party.


Dressing Yoongi was...difficult, to say the least. He had issues with literally every article of clothing, all the holes in the shirt confusing him, constantly putting both legs into the same leg hole in his boxers, and now you were onto the pants, and it was proving to be just as much of a struggle as the other two.

Yoongi gave up halfway, opting to go and sit down in the tub to sulk.

Finally though, you had gotten him to try again, and you were currently one leg in.

You looked at his face. Angry and frustrated, poor thing.

You patted him on the head to comfort him, "Yoongi look, you only have one more! And I'll hold here so you don't put accidentally put both in again, okay? Hold onto the counter if you need it to balance."

He looked at you, before sighing and nodding.

You grinned and promptly wrapped your hand around his upper inner thigh to prevent his other leg before going in.

That was when you realized exactly where and what you were holding, a panicked squeak escaping you, and your face grew even redder when Yoongi moaned, then growled, grabbing your hand.


Right at that moment, the door crashed open, revealing a very pissed off Taehyung and an utterly confused Jieun, who screeched when she saw Yoongi next to you.

Taehyung ignored this, keeping his dark gaze on you.

"What is going on in here." He said in a voice you had never heard before. Not even when Yoongi first attacked you. What happened to your sweet, clingy tiger?

You gulped, throat suddenly dry.

I'm screwed.

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