Chapter 3

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The zoo was in uproar. Scratch that, the city was in uproar. Reporters clogged the scene, along with panicked zookeepers running around like headless chickens. There was a city-wide search going on. People scouring the city for the well-known wild cat.

You stood in the center of it all, staring blankly at the empty cage.

Reporters kept getting up in your face, asking about how you felt about your beloved tiger disappearing, but you knew they were just looking for a story. They didn't know how it felt.

The feeling of an extreme loss welled up inside of you and you dropped to your knees.

He can't be gone. Tiger's don't just disappear.

But he was. He was nowhere in sight.

You thought of all the times you didn't get to spend with him, all the times you wouldn't get to spend with him if he was truly gone.

You got up, determined to find him, and determined to spend more time with him than you had recently. You were certain you would find him, how hard would it be to find a gigantic orange cat? You were just being over dramatic. You would find him.

You had to.

But what if he get's hurt? Made it to the freeway and gets hit? What if he fell down a hole and hits his head? Accidentally shot?

Your mind started creeping with fears again and you ran out to the entrance of the zoo, where you found your father talking to a policeman, eyebrows furrowed.

As you got closer, you heard the policeman talking. "I'm sorry Mr. Jeon, we haven't found him yet, but we're still searching."

Your father nodded, and you raced over.

"Where is the nearest search party?" You questioned hurriedly.

Your dad immediately caught on, and shut you down. "Nowhere that concerns you. You are not going searching for him. This is for professionals only, to keep people safe. Especially you."


"No but's." He said. "We'll make sure to keep you well updated, right Ms. Choi?"

The police officer nodded, turning to you. "We're doing everything we can to find him, sweetie. Trust me, the zoo would be very upset if they lost their prized Siberian tiger. And I know how close the two of you were...I mean are. Heck, the whole city knows. We'll find him eventually.

You knew you couldn't change their minds, and they were making sense and being reasonable. You were just being panicked yet again.

You decided to take one last look at the area around Taehyung's cell before you headed home to wait.

As you came up to the massive leafy plants where you had originally played in, you smiled fondly. They had seemed so big to you then. A jungle of your own.

They were technically still pretty big though, and people could definitely still hide in there without being seen.

You entered the plants, making your way to that fateful trap door. You heart aching more with each step as you thought of your childhood and the tiger you loved so much.

As you came up to the leaves right before the trap door, you got ready to push them aside, before getting the shock of your life.

A warm body immediately tackled you to the ground, limbs wrapped around you in a vice-like grip.

"Y/n."  The person whispered shakily into your ear. From the deep, rumbling voice, it was definitely a he. But he sounded scared out of his mind, his arms trembling even as they held onto you as if his life depended on it.

You definitely did not know any males who would do this to you. And this male very definitely just said your name, and tackled you down.

So who the heck was he?

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