Chapter 8

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Having made it out of the zoo, and heading towards your house, you mulled over the day's events.

This was so freaking weird.

Just the theory behind the whole change, and all the little things you just didn't know, like how did he know how to talk? Did he think like a human or a tiger?

...Was he attracted to humans now? Or still tigers?

A sudden ringing of your phone cut into your thoughts. You reached down to ignore the call, but paused when seeing it was your best friend, Jieun.

You decided to pick it up, holding it between your ear and shoulder as you drove, as Taehyung looked on curiously

"Y/N!" She screeched, and you immediately winced, almost dropping the phone at her overly loud voice.

"What is it now, Ji."


"Okay! Okay, I get it. Don't do anything, I'll be over in a bit."

She whimpered through the phone. "I hate how composed you are," she whispered.

You hung up.

You looked over at Taehyung, smiling a little apologetically. "Looks like we'll have to make this clothes trip quick, buddy. We have to go help one of my friends."

He beamed at you, the goofy square shaped smile warming your heart. "Okay!"


That was how you found yourself here, parked in front of your friend's house, trying to convince (now dressed) Taehyung to stay in the car.

"I don't want to shock her even more, okay? She already has a very...fragile emotional state right now. I'll come out and get you when we're ready, got it?"

He pouted, turning to look away from you and out the window. "Hmph."

You rolled your eyes. You had thought he was around your age in tiger years, and he certainly looked it in his human body, but from the way he was acting, maybe he only had the mental age of a 5-year-old. It was a possibility.

You got out, shutting the car door behind you, smiling slightly as you saw him still pouting, not looking at you.

You rang the doorbell, and waited.


You sighed, ringing it a second time and knocking, and that's when the door swung open...and you found yourself, for the second time that day, crushed to the ground by an overly attractive, naked man.

"Y/n!" He whimpered, looking up at you with sad eyes, his arms wrapped around your neck. He dropped his head onto your chest sadly. "She keeps yelling at me and trying to attack me, she doesn't realize it's me!"

A distant war cry from inside the house sounded out, and you figured you had about 30 seconds until Jieun appeared as well.

"Y-yoongi?" You asked.

A wide, gummy smile took over his face. "See! I knew you would recognize me! There's a reason you're one of my favorite humans."

With that, he started nuzzling into your neck, something he had always done as a cat.

Your mind was whirling. What was happening? Had every single animal in the world suddenly turned human or what? But that wasn't right, because you had seen plenty of other animals in the zoo and being walked that were still animals.

You were thinking so hard about it, you didn't even notice the small kitten licks he was delivering to your neck to comfort himself.

Someone else, however, did.

Before you knew it, a sudden chill rushed through you as the warmth from Yoongi's body weight suddenly disappeared, and you heard an inhuman growling.

You looked up to see Taehyung, who had waited for you to go out of sight until he secretly followed you from the car.

He was furious. You'd left him to be with this, admittedly cute, cat-smelling male?!

You stared, bemused. He could still freaking growl? How did that work anatomically?

Taehyung's eyes suddenly widened, and he leaned closer to sniff Yoongi once again. "Yoongi?" he asked, utterly amazed.

"Taehyung?" Yoongi leaned closer to sniff him as well.

They freaking knew each other?! hOW?!

"Hyung!" Taehyung shouted in elation, picking up the smaller boy and swinging him around. "You became human too? Did you wish for it too, last night?"

Last night? Wish? What? How did they--When--

Y/n.exe has stopped working.

Yoongi scowled. "I--"


You all immediately whipped your heads towards the sound of the dying elephant.

Jieun had made her appearance.

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