Chapter 14

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After a good 15 minutes of panicked running to find clothing and get it on the both of you, you marched Taehyung out of your bedroom door, him looking a little worse for the wear after the pillow beating you had given him.

Jieun looked up, immediately noticing Taehyung's disheveled appearance and wiggling her eyebrows at you. "Wow, Y/N, what were you doing to him in there?"

"Just taught him a lesson he'll never forget," you replied, too tired to even glare at her for her insinuation, before realizing how that sounded. "I mean, I, with my pillow, I hit him, I didn't do anything weird, I just-," Jieun nodded slowly, petting Yoongi's head. "Stay away from her, Yoongi, I don't want her doing anything weird to you." She whispered to him. He nodded silently, smiling as he leaned into her hand. He knew full well you needed back up, he was just too lazy to give it to you.


"You know it's okay Y/n," she continued. "You're a teenage girl, and are bound to go through some changes as you approach maturity, an increase in hormones is perfectly natural, and-," you tuned her out, focusing on the boys (cats?). Yoongi and Taehyung were currently hanging onto Jieun's every word, nodding like this was an important life lesson.

You sighed. Rubbing your forehead to try and relieve the incoming ache. Why was this all happening? What was even happening?

Taehyung immediately felt the shift in your attitude, and looked down, curious. You looked obviously stressed, and he suddenly felt bad. It wasn't his fault, right?

He whined, nudging your hands aside with his own. (Jieun was still lecturing in the background). "Y-y/n?" Taehyung asked, and you looked at him, the exhaustion in your eyes showing.

Taehyung gulped, now feeling even more guilty. You had never looked like this before. You were always happy around him. He thought he always made you happy. But now he wasn't. That didn't feel so good.

He squished your confused-looking face, savoring how small it was in his hands. So cute. He thought to himself, admiring you for a moment. He then remembered his original objective, cheering you up.

And so he leaned down, licking up your entire face in one go. 

You froze, and so did Jieun, who stopped her bullshitting (a miracle, really) to stare at the two of you. She took a second to process what had just happened before bursting out into laughter, falling to the ground.

Yoongi looked mildly annoyed at the disturbance, as it caused her to stop petting him, but otherwise had no reaction.

As you stood there, the air drying the unpleasantly cold strip of saliva now on your face, surrounded by two cats-turned-human and your hysterical best friend, you couldn't help but wonder just where it was you went wrong in life. 

Maybe it was the time you accidentally sat on Jimin's glitter pencil in the first grade and broke it. Maybe it was the time you accidentally knocked into Jimin and made him drop his piece of cake in the second grade. Maybe, it was because of the time you whacked your head on Jimin's tooth and broke one.

These were starting to have a trend...

You thought about the poor, sweet boy you had known from childhood. 

Maybe you really did deserve all this.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by a happy Taehyung grinning goofily at you, his mouth taking on a charming boxy shape. "Cheer up, Y/n!" he said happily, and you swore if he wasn't your adorable pet tiger you would have killed him on the spot. No hesitation. Drying saliva was not a feeling you ever wanted on your face ever again.

You heard an evil giggle come from behind you, and you immediately tensed up. 

"Yes, Y/n, cheer up," the voice cackled, and you turned to see your overly-enthused mother, who was standing right behind you, having snuck up on you who knows when. 

"Gah!" you exclaimed, jumping back. How did she sneak around like that?? It wasn't normal, you swore it wasn't. She always got so close, and made no noise. Usually though, your dad was there to warn you about her various antics.

You then looked up, where you saw said father sitting on the couch, casually sipping a glass of banana milk. He had been bribed to keep silent, apparently.

You made eye contact and he shrugged. Traitor #2 has made his entrance.

Apparently it was just "betray Y/N" day today. 

So much for bros before hoes, you thought sadly. 

Taehyung had snuck his arms back around you and was currently cuddling you, giving you the same kitten licks Yoongi had given you yesterday in the exact same spot. 

You would have figured it was coincidence, if you hadn't noticed the determined gleam in his eye, and his warning look to Yoongi, who didn't really actually care. 

I'm boutta slap this boy (tiger?) upside the head in 3 seconds if he don't-

"So!" Your mother clapped her hands together, suddenly interrupting your current, considerably violent train of thought. She had the biggest, most excited smile you had ever seen sitting on her face. Her eyes were shining. 

She was living. 

You were scared. 

"Are you guys ready to figure this shit out!?"


Ha. Yes. It is I. The author. Back after a year. I had to take time off because of some family issues but I AM BACK. 

P.S. to all of the people sending hostile things to my inbox or in my comment section. Sincerely fuck you. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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