Chapter 1: Friendships and Distrust

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You fell to the grass with a thud, your (h/c)-colored hair spilling beside you, accompanied by Blocky and Eraser's laughing. You looked back at them with venom laced in your glare. Biting back a retort, you got up and dusted yourself up.

You folded your arms and walked away.

"You know, you'll never fit in."

Stopping in your tracks, you turned to the source of the voice, Eraser, who also had tripped you.

"You think I wouldn't know that by now?" You narrowed your eyes. Blocky and Eraser sneered and walked away. You grunted and stuffed your hands in your pockets.

"(Y/N)!" Flower called, running to you. You smiled at this; Flower was one of your best friends. She had been trying to change herself since the first season, as she got eliminated so early for her behavior, as well as it set her a terrible reputation.

You two became friends when you were the last person to be chosen for a team, and she convinced her team to take you in.

Despite being on a team with your best friend, you were still disappointed that you were on a team with Match and Pencil. They both took part in degrading you insenslessly over and over. At this point, insults of your differences just flowed in one ear and out the other.

"Hey Flower." You smiled, and also examined that she looked more nervous than usual. "What's wrong?"

She looked towards the ground and sighed. "It's just that... We're up for elimination. It's always been me first. I'm scared that I'll be eliminated first again." Her pink petals drooped slightly when she spoke.

You gave her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, you never know what's gonna happen until it does. All you can do right now is have hope." you rested a hand on her shoulder.

She sent you a grateful look. "You're right, (Y/N)!" She beamed. "Let's go!"


You stood on a podium next to Flower. Slight fear tingled your senses when you saw Four arriving with X. He...really weirded you out. Just one day, he came out of no where and crushed Black Hole with only one hand. You were also scared of him, he seemed rather threatening in your eyes. You've never been screeched before, nor zapped by him. But you saw how painful it looked, and you definitely weren't looking for a fight with him. At the moment, you tried to lay low.

But, it seemed he was interested in making conversation with you. But lucky for you, you were always caught up with Flower and Ruby, or Leafy when he was near.

As you were day dreaming, you pulled your head out of the clouds when you heard your name being called.

"So that means (Y/N) is safe!" Four called, a smile plastered on his blue face. A cake was thrown your way, and you caught it with ease.

"Good job (Y/N)!" Flower called from your side. You smiled back.

While Four called out the other safe contestants, you realized that Four talked to them in a way more harsh tone. That made your heart flutter, which you questioned yourself. You shook that feeling and took a shy bite of the tip of your cake.

While you were eating, you saw Four trailing off in his announcements and instead staring at you. You looked at him in confusion, as to which his eyes' widened and he turned away with a small blush. Confusion strayed on your face a little longer but you just shrugged it off and continue to eat.

"Pencil is eliminated!" Four kept a creepy smile on his face, aggressively drawing an orange line above a small doodle of Pencil.

Match and Pencil stared at him with shocked faces, then turned to each other.

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