Chapter 2: MATCH-Making

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You stirred awake, rustling in the...blankets?

Your eyes fluttered open, to be met with a blurry ceiling.

Wait...where am I? I feel asleep near the tree...

You looked to your right; it looked like an ordinary room, window, small shelves...

"Oh. I see you're awake."

You froze.

Four?! What the hell?!

You whipped around, face-to-face with a familiar blue face.

"I couldn't leave you out there, it was getting pretty cold." He reasoned. Your widened eyes narrowed slightly, and you decided the best way to get out of this situation was just to leave. You could practically feel the tension in the air.

You started to leave but was held back by a tugging on your arm. As you were turning back around to Four, a sharp pain spread through your arm, making you gasp. He had pulled you back down with a swift motion of his arm, which was now wrapped around your torso.

He growled beside you, he was way closer than before. "Stay." He mumbled into your shoulder.

A shiver shot up your spine and a warmth dotted your face. You flushed dark red. Mumbling a 'fine', you felt an odd warmth next to him. Shyly, you scooted closer to him.

'God I just met this...thing two days I'm cuddling with him in bed?!' You thought to yourself.

You rolled your (e/c)-colored eyes. 'Uhg...Fuck it' You thought, turning to face him and burying your face by where his neck would be.

You heard him hum, then you felt him tangle his fingers in your hair. You knew how weird this was, but you pushed all regrets aside. If you made him mad, he could kill you very easily. And, you sort-of felt happy around Four. Maybe him...?



You felt weird about walking side-by-side by Four. Most of the contestants feared him. What made it worse was when X had walked into Four's room when you guys were...cuddling...

You only hoped he wouldn't tell anyone. You had also figured that Four and X had living quarters where they slept in or stayed when they weren't busy hosting or interacting with contestants.

You felt something in your hand, and you noticed that it was Four's hand. Attempting to pull it away out of embarrassment, he chuckled with his squeaky voice.

"I know you like that, it doesn't matter what they think." He slid his hand to yours and intertwined them. You flushed but kept your gaze forward. You were heading to Cake at Stake, which team Beep was up for elimination.

You felt as if time sped up, you could almost feel everyone's gaze when you reached the competition grounds.

They all had stopped what they were doing and was staring at you and Four. Thousands of thoughts raced through your head and your face flushed. You turned slightly to Four with a distressed look in your eyes. He shot you back a look that read, 'don't think about them, it's about us.' You shifted your gaze to the grass beneath your shoes.

Four glared at them, causing them all to go back to their own activities. He left your side to go talk to X.

You carried on and stood off to the side, checking your phone.

But, you were interrupted by forks flying past you. You looked up just in time to see them make a U-turn away from a couple members from Death P.A.C.T and fly off in the opposite direction.

Your eyes followed the forks, and they widened when you realized that they were heading straight for Four. The three of them stabbed him, and in almost an instant, he exclaimed, "WHO DID THIS?!"

Everyone, including you, pointed in Gelatin's direction. Even if you didn't see him do it, it was pretty obvious that it was his doing.

Four held up his hand, an angry look on his face. "It's time..." He rasped.

Then, a large, white beam shot out of his palm and hit Gelatin, making him scream in agony and flail around. You could only stare open-mouthed at this. All the while, Four had kept a sadistic smile on his face the whole time. This made you scared of him even more.

It seemed that Gelatin was about to die, but then a ringing sound made Four stop.

"It's time for the intro, Four!" X called out, excited. Four groaned.



You let out a long sigh and shook your head, desperately trying to clear your head.

"OMG (Y/N)!" You jumped at the voice.

Match?! Has she come to bother me...?

"Are you and Four like, a thing now?!" She looked so excited. You flushed.

"N-Not exactly..." You rubbed the back of your head.

Her eyes sparkled. "Do you like, like him?" She grabbed both of your arms, desperate for an answer.

Your blushed darkened. "U-Uhm..."

"I can tell you do!!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down. "Look girl, you're talking to the right person." She smirked.

"Are you implying that-"

"YES!! I'm going to get you both together even if it kills me!" She smiled widely.

You stood there, stunned. You were so used to listening to Match constantly bullying you about your differences to everyone else. All of a sudden, she's ready to play matchmaker and help you?

Maybe it's Pencil's absence...

You guessed that her best friend's elimination took a toll on her that quickly. Maybe for the better?

You smiled. "Sure, I guess." She squealed in excitement and hugged you.

"I promise you, you'll LOVE the results."

"HEY STOP BOTHERING (Y/N)!!!" It was Flower.

Match pulled away and narrowed her eyes at Flower. "I wasn't like, bothering her." She frowned, "I'm helping her!"

Flower looked at Match, then at you. "Is...Is this true?"

You nodded and put on a shy smile.

"What is she helping you with?" Flower asked, piquing interest.

Match beamed. "I'm going to help (Y/N) get with Four! They're like, perfect for each other!!!" She enthused.

Flower's eyes widened. "I know, right!!" She yelled. Ruby and Bubble walked over.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ruby asked.

Match appeared at your side, "We're gonna get Four and (Y/N) together!" Ruby and Bubble gasped.

"Can we help too?!" They both squealed in unison.

Flower and Match turned to you. "It's up to like, (Y/N) to decide that." Match smiled to you.

You zoned out for a moment. "Oh- Uh. Of course!" You grinned.

"YAY!!!" Ruby and Bubble yelled.


Hey everyone!! It's Meg again. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you guys think of how this story is coming along. Sorry that this one is a bit shorter than the last chapter. Goodnight y'all!

- Meghan

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