Chapter 6: Bright Green Hills

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You felt the adrenaline kick in, the sled rocketing down the hill and to Four's direction. You gasped when it hit donut, and then X, and then...


You flung yourself to Four and gripped onto his blue hand, and a blinding, bright, light consumed you four. You shut your eyes tight out of sheer desperation of survival, as you felt a burning sensation course through your body. You shouted out. Time seemed to slow down.

"Four!" You called, tears spilling through your eyelids. He turned to you, and through that blinding light you could still make out his comforting smile.

"We're gonna be okay, (Y/N)." He said, squeezing your hand in the light.

The white light consumed you both finally, your eyes not leaving each others'.


You hummed and tapped your foot to the rhythm of your music, pop music blaring through your earbuds. Your (e/c)-colored orbs darted from left to right, scanning each word of the book you were reading, though it seemed you were lost in another world.

But then, you felt a whirl of emotions hit you. An ominous feeling leered over you, almost as if it were dangling the future in front of your eyes. But you continued to brush it off and go back to your reading.

But, you couldn't shake that eerie feeling away, your eyes locked on a single word. You grunted at this and flicked the earbuds out of your ears. You slid the bookmark into the holding of the pages you were on and closed the book, the bookmark marking your progress on your little adventure...

You took a brief moment to breathe and close your eyes, drinking in the fresh scents of the cavern ahead. The air seemed so clear and fresh nearby the cavern, that's why you had favorited it, coming to this place to be secluded from the stresses and struggles of life, bathing in the calm, sensual demeanor.

But a conversation nearby had interrupted your moment. It sounded like Golfball's team discussing something...

You attempted to block out all excess sounds in the area nearby and kept your senses charmed to the plan you were listening onto.

"...any number times zero equals zero, right?" Golfball's

"That may be true, but, how is that useful?" You made out Tennisball's reply.

You could almost hear the devilish smile in Goldball's reply, as to which you winced. "Four's a number, let's multiply him by zero."

Your eyes widened in disbelief. "They're...trying to get rid of Four...?" You mumbled to yourself, a feeling of shock stinging in your throat.

You shook it off. "Four's strong..." You reassured yourself. I should probably keep quiet...


I shouldn't have kept quiet, I shouldn't have kept quiet...!

Anxiety rushed through your throat as the sled that A Better Name Than That was seated on teetered on the green hill.

You tried to warn Four, but nothing came out. Just as you had found the right words, the sled jutted downward, rocketing down the hill.

You felt the adrenaline kick in, the sled rocketing down the hill and to Four's direction. You gasped when it hit donut, and then X, and then...


You flung yourself to Four and gripped onto his blue hand, and a blinding, bright, light consumed you four. You shut your eyes tight out of sheer desperation of survival, as you felt a burning sensation course through your body. You shouted out. Time seemed to slow down.

"Four!" You called, tears spilling through your eyelids. He turned to you, and through that blinding light you could still make out his comforting smile.

"We're gonna be okay, (Y/N)." He said, squeezing your hand in the light.

The white light consumed you both finally, your eyes not leaving each others'.


Light blared into your eyes, and you grunted. Opening one eye, then realizing this wasn't the familiar place you had just been in. You tried to piece everything together, then opening your eyes wide in shock.

"Wh-where am I?!" You exclaimed, battering your eyelashes in astonishment. You turned to your left, ready to examine your surroundings fully. But, a wave of relief washed over you.

"Four!" You yelled, running to him, eyes shimmering. "Four, get up!" You shook him vigorously. He groaned in response, then his eyes shot open.

"(Y/N)!" He shot up from his laying position and threw his arms around your figure. "Oh, (Y/N)..." He drunk in your scents. "I remembered what happened, are you hurt...?" He leaned closer to you, examining you.

"No, no I'm fine." You whispered, eyes still shimmering with relief. "I'm so sorry..." You muttered.

He gazed at you. "What for?" He asked, puzzled.

"I heard Golfball and her team discussing how to get rid of you...I thought I should keep quiet, that you could handle it yourself." You hung your head.

Four chuckled. "I'd love a girl who'd be all over me." He joked.

You gazed back up to him, a glimmer of amusement in your eyes. You looked around. "Four, where are we?"

He took a moment to look around, a bit of understanding left in his gaze. "I know where we are." He started walking. "Come,"

You staggered, then fell in next to him, examining how fast he held his pace. You bit back a question and continued on your journey.

Four pulled you up a hill, which was especially exasperating, but a tall, orange hotel came into view. It was a beige color, and the roof was a light brown. A wooden sign hung from the right side of it, that read: Hotel OJ


Ooooh I was so excited to get this chapter out guys! I hope you guys get the reference, and if you still don't get it by the next chapter I'll leave it in the A/N at the end of Chapter 7. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, and I'm sorry it's short... But to make it up to you, I'll start leaving the next chapter's possible name! Starting now!

Coming up: Chapter 7: Phones and Jealousy

- Meghan

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