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Dear Concerned Friend
I understand that you are concerned about your friend and their choices, but you can't control them. If they choose to be vegan, that's their choice. All that you can do is support their decision.

Maybe if they stop shoving down their throats about the importance of meat, her vegan friend will return the favour by stop going on about meat is murder, I thought to myself.

A lot of people that choose to go vegan realise it's hard work and strong self will. You need to support her decision. Have a chat with her. Tell her your fears and concerns. People aren't mind readers. They need to know.
Best of luck, R

I groaned at the screen. What is this crap? I shook my head as I held a pen in my mouth, going to another letter.

Dear R.
I'm a new mother, all over again. I have two children from my first marriage and now a newborn from my latest marriage. My mother in law doesn't believe in strictly breastfeeding and I strongly do. She wants me to bottle feed so she can have baby for a few hours a day as she calmly stated to me. I fed my last two children and my husband and I have tried telling her that it is my choice on how I feed my baby. But every time we talk to her, she gets highly offended. How can I get through to her that she doesn't have a say in it?
Daughter in Law.

I puffed my cheeks out. How dare her tell her daughter in law on how to feed a baby! That's not her place. I felt extremely angry over the whole situation.

Then I realised I felt more angry than I should have. Woah, Rhea, I thought to myself. It's not even my place to feel that ire. I heard a knock on my office door and looked up.

"Luke, your back!" I smiled at him. I took my glasses off and the pen out off my mouth as I stood. "How was your trip?"

Luke smiled back at me. "Good. Got many things done." He told me. "How are things for you?"

I gave him a small smile. "Busy."

Luke came in to my office and lowered his voice. "How about dinner, tonight?" He asked. "I still owe you a dinner."

I felt like I needed to swallow as my heart raced a little. "Sure." I answered him.

Luke's smile got broader. "Great. I'll pick you up at six?"

I grinned at him. "That will be great."

"Well, I better let you get back to work."

I went back to sitting as I watched Luke walk away before picking up my phone.

I rang Ryder and he answered immediately. "Rhea, what's wrong?" He asked me.

Why did he sounded so alert? "Nothing. I've thought about what you asked on Sunday."

"About us?"

I rolled my eyes. "Give that up. I meant Rowan."

"Oh right." Ryder sounded disappointed.

"You can have him for a few hours. Meet me at my place at three."


"If it's an inconvenience for you, then don't worry." I snapped at him.

"No. It's fine. I just didn't actually expect you to let me have him."

I was surprised by his answer. "Don't screw it up!" I told him. "My place, three." I hung up as I frowned.


"So you've been busy?" Luke asked over our coffees.

I nodded. "More than I thought I would be. I'm sorry, the timing is all wrong." I let out a nervous laugh.

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