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"Ryder isn't here." Rhea told Vince as she kept the door open as little as possible.

"Then what are you doing here?" Vince asked in a smug way.

"Ryder let me stay and study while he went to work." Rhea snapped, not moving.

"Aren't you going to let me in?"

Rhea shook her head. She could feel the goosebumps on her arms, how the hair on the end of her neck stood, the shivers down her back.

"But I'm his brother. I'll wait here with you."

"I'm not waiting. I'm studying." Rhea snapped. She tried to close the door, but Vince placed his palm on it, preventing her to do it. With a mighty push, the door opened, making Rhea step back, gasping.

"It's not like my brother to have any girl stay over once he is done with her." Vincent smirked as he eyed Rhea off.

Rhea stepped away, eyeing around her what she could grab if need be in self defence.

"Ryder doesn't mind me hanging out. I'm surprised to see you here. He usually gets bored with the same person after a couple weeks."

Rhea didn't say anything as she felt the couch behind her knees.

"Aren't you bored of him yet?" Vince grinned as his arms went up and pushed Rhea back, making her land on the couch.

"Don't touch me!" She cried out as she scrambled up, but Vince was too quick and placed himself on top off Rhea, pinning her down. "Get off me!"

Rhea balled her hands up and started punching and pushing Vince off, but he was stronger than her.

Vince backhanded her across the face, making Rhea bite her lip and tongue, her vision blurred as she stilled, dazed from the knock.

She felt hands go to her denim shorts and she screamed out for help, trying to kick and push Vince off.

Suddenly his weight on her was gone as Rhea sobbed out. She heard a crack and grunting as she sat up, cornering herself in as far as possible in to the couch, crying.

"You don't get to fucking touch her!" Rhea heard someone shout as she heard another crack.

More scuffling was heard then silence, besides heavy breathing.

"Rhea, baby, are you okay?" She felt hands on hers as she pulled away. Looking up she saw Ryder and gasped at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Yeah. He didn't do anything." She cried out.

"I wouldn't have let him." Ryder said as he placed her face in his hands.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were at work."  Rhea asked as she wiped the tears away.

"I decided to come back and I'm glad I did." He growled as he looked her over. "What were you doing?"

"I was studying." She said in a small voice. "I was thinking of going and doing my masters. Signing up for university again."

Ryder engulfed Rhea in a hug as fresh tears ran down her face. "I promise, you won't see him again, baby." Ryder kissed her forehead. "I didn't know he was coming over."

Rhea shivered again. "I'm sorry. I know he is your brother, and I only met him the other day, but he gives me the creeps."

Ryder took her face again. "Don't apologise. You have nothing to apologise for."

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