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Rhea laid lazily on the couch, her shoes off as she flicked through a magazine.

She heard the door open and looked up to see Ryder come in, loosening his tie.

"What you cooking?" He asked as he sat next to Rhea.

"Italian chicken casserole." Rhea answered as Ryder kissed her hand.

"What are you reading?"

"Something I picked up from the centre." Rhea closed the magazine and read the title. "Soul."

She flipped through the pages until she found where she was. "If you could drive just one car for the rest of your life, what would that be?"

Ryder frowned at his wife.

"It's just random questions, to get to know each other a bit better."

"I know you well enough." Ryder told her.

"Come on, babe. Just do it." She pleaded.

"1972 Chrysler Charger."

"The one you bought for me." Rhea smiled as she went to another question. "Describe to me your ideal day."

Ryder looked darkly at Rhea as she saw the lust in his eyes.

"Moving on," She smiled shyly. "What is your favourite part of our marriage?"

Ryder grinned. "You should go first."

"You walking in from that door." Rhea pointed to the front door.

"Waking up next to you." Ryder said as he took the magazine off her and climbed on top, kissing her neck.

"How did you know I was -" Rhea went to ask, but Ryder cut her off.

"Baby, you are my wife, and when I said till death us do part, I mean it. We have the rest of our lives to find new stuff about us. Otherwise, where is the mystery?"

Rhea smiled as she kissed Ryder. "You're right."

"Stop playing the wise doctor." Ryder teased, making Rhea giggle.

I heard a constant beeping. It was annoying and irritating.

I felt groggy, my pain dulled, not as bad as I felt earlier. Maybe I can open my eyes now, I feel like I've tried this before.

It didn't hurt to breathe, my head wasn't banging. I felt sadness overcome me. I slowly opened my eyes, the room was dimly lit.

It slowly came back to me. Rowan was missing. I was taken. I was beaten. Ryder found me. Then people, other people.

They said bodies. That was plural. That means people who are dead. My eyes weren't as swollen as I felt the tears ran down my face.


Ryder was killed. By his own brother. It didn't matter if they were adopted or not. They were raised as brothers. They grew up together as brothers.

Where is Rowan? Ryder said he was safe, but he didn't tell me where. I want my baby.

I kept still as the sadness swallowed me up. I let out a silent sob and my hand went to my mouth. I don't know where Rowan is. I lost my true love.

Why did all this have to happen? I turned my head to the side as I looked at my hand. It had a patch on the wrist, a cannula attached as well.

I turned to my other wrist and that's when I noticed someone was holding it. I couldn't make it out completely, but I saw dark long hair, their head down and on the mattress.

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